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Thread: Black powder cartridge rifle. Rangiora member?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Black powder cartridge rifle. Rangiora member?

    I was guest speaker at last night's Canterbury Antique Arms monthly meeting and I met a forum member from Rangiora who was very interested in getting into BP cartridge rifles

    He was a fallow builder also
    I didn't record his name and details

    So this is an invitation to him to PM me and maybe swing out my way some time and see what it's like on the dark side

    Stocky and Boxton like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Te Awamutu
    To said member:
    Back away slowly, you'll very rapidly find yourself carrying along the following items to the range:
    Old towels which start to smell weirdly of eggs and ballistol and turn blacker and blacker... you will start thinking "I should wash those, I wonder if I can just chuck em in with the the clothes...."
    Strange concoctions of ballistol and water affectionately called moose's milk which has a... unique?... odour.
    An ever diminishing, but large supply, of pre-cut pieces of cleaning cloth.
    Containers for storing said used patches which also have a strange and evolving odour.

    You'll also start finding that your brass soaking in the laundry sink does remind you of a geothermal hot pool by the smell.

    You may also find your self forgoing the cartridge all together and just recklessly pouring black powder into the front of your rifle followed by a chunk of lead and then start ordering things off the internet like "nipple picks", "nipple wrenches", "ball screws", "short starters" and "ram rods" for totally non-kinky reasons.

    It all just gets a bit weird....bless the smoke poles.
    7mmwsm, Tentman, john m and 7 others like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Well this post got pretty weird fast

    He's a builder so he will still be working and it was a 30º day here today
    Micky Duck likes this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2019
    Wasn't me
    I missed last night's meeting
    Unfortunately on both counts



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