GPRE are running a Practical / Field 22LR match on Saturday the 26th of November in Taranaki.
This is a shorter distance shoot than some of the serious 22LR matches around. Two classes, Rifleman (targets out to ~150m, fast stages times, and complex stages) and Hunter (Targets out to ~80m, generally longer stages times, and less complex stages). We are putting on a BBQ as well. This was a super fun shoot last year and it has a couple of little challenges thrown in as well.
If you want to give Rifleman class a go and don't think you have the rifle for it i can put you in touch with a competitor who has a spare rifle all set up and ready to go. Same goes for Hunter class - I can let you borrow a rifle and put you in a squad with an experienced competitor to help you with it if needed. Just cover your entry fee and the cost of ammo. If a junior takes this offer I'll cover the ammo.
Entry fees are $60 per adult competitor. Juniors are half price.
To register and all that PM me here on the forum or get in touch through the GPRE facebook page.