Are you looking for somewhere in the Wellington area to sight in your rifle before the Roar?
The Upper Hutt Gunshop/Magnum Imports has arranged with the HV NZDA for their Kaitoke range to be available to the public on Sunday morning, 22nd March from 9.00 am till 12.00 am for sighting in.
There will be a nominal fee of $10 per shooter, targets and target frames will be supplied and the Deerstalkers will provide Range officers and help if required.
You can shoot prone off the grass mound or off the concrete benches, and some rests will be supplied if you dont have one.
All you need to bring is you rifle, ammo, license and hearing protection.
The Deerstalkers will provide a sausage sizzle and drinks so bring some extra cash.
The Gate will be open and parking is available at the range.
All shooters will go in the draw for one of two $50 UH Gunshop Vouchers, or a number of Kilwell Trophy Hunter T Shirts (drawn later in the day and winners notified via email).
All inquiries can be directed to the Upper Hutt Gunshop 04-939 6184