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Thread: Rotorua 22LR Field Shoot Nov 2014

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    308 with language like that you may as well be talking to a blind man! I need to study scopes, My scopes are fixed and hold over
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    I have a Bushnell Trophy XLT Trophy 3-9x40mm Mildot ($240 from Reloaders) on my older Voere 22LR. It can be used when sighted in at 50m right out to 200m. It is just a little complicated and i suspect most who shoot long range will recommend against this but i'll try and explain it:

    Mount the scope and with a bore sight make sure the cross hairs stay centred when you change from 9x down to 3x (my first one didn't pass this test so i got it replaced and the second one was acceptable).

    Sight it in at 50m. Confirm holdovers with your ammunition right out to the extent the mildots in the scope at 9x (typically this would get you out to about 125m or so depending on your ammunition)

    This is where it gets complicated - Keep putting targets further out but instead of dialing the elevation on the scope, reduce the scope magnification. If you only use the 4th dot under the cross hairs you can mark the distances on the scope power ring. At 200m your zero will be something like - scope on 4x, 4th dot under the cross hairs.

    Still have to swag the windage but this will get you pretty well sorted for elevation at extended distances. More accurate than just holding over though less accurate than a decent scope you can reliably dial - but cheaper. Takes a little maths but you can predict what power will be best at what distance as well - like a balistic program.

    Do not forget to also record your point of impact at distances closer than 50m. Personally i would record the point of impact every 5m from 5m to 20m then every 10m after that.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Thanks Gillie I'll add a new mathematical calculator to my list of things I need. I learnt something out of that post. Will give it a bash next time in Taupo
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  4. #4
    Redbull addict
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Hi Guys. Im interested in having a go at shooting long range with my ruger 10/22. What scopes are recommended for shooting .22lr? Also How do i register?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by RacingMad View Post
    Hi Guys. Im interested in having a go at shooting long range with my ruger 10/22. What scopes are recommended for shooting .22lr? Also How do i register?
    Scope wise if you want to shoot past 100m with a 22LR i would suggest you either get a scope that will dial the elevation reliably or as i explained above get one with a mildot or similar style reticle. Out to 100m then just about any scope will do - my father uses a old Pecar 4x on his brno just fine out to 100m, he just knows his hold overs (and hold unders for the closer targets).

    Higher magnification scopes can have parallax and focus issues at short distances. Even 9x at 50m may not be focused if the scope parallax is set at 150m. Rimfire specific scopes either have the parallax set at a closer distance (say 50m) or have an adjustable parallax.

    As i said above from a 50m zero a 22LR using subsonic ammunition will need something like 30MOA to be bang on at 200m. If you were just trying to hold over the target you will need to hold about 1.5m above your point of impact. On a 150mm square target i would not be confident in accurately judging that sort of hold over.

    Equipment wise i would seriously suggest a range finder if you want to shoot past about 100m. At 200m with subsonics i need to click on another MOA of elevation every 3m... on a 3MOA target if i am 5m out on the distance i will miss completely.

  6. #6
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Gillie View Post
    Equipment wise i would seriously suggest a range finder if you want to shoot past about 100m. At 200m with subsonics i need to click on another MOA of elevation every 3m... on a 3MOA target if i am 5m out on the distance i will miss completely.
    Probably should mention for this shoot we will be giving out the target distances

  7. #7
    5.56 AzumitH's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    I am keen, will see if my brother is interested. We both enjoyed the shoot in Te Kuiti, so if this is more of the same it should be sweet.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by AzumitH View Post
    We both enjoyed the shoot in Te Kuiti, so if this is more of the same it should be sweet.
    So much i could say here about Te Kuiti...

    More of the same... not really, different shoot, different terrein, different objective. Te Kuiti was a shoot set for hunters and so target sizes, positions and timings reflected that. This is a 22LR shoot more set up for target shooters. The hunter class will be set up more for hunters whereas the open class will be set up for target shooters.

    Think about the kill area on a rabbit being about 50mm - so hunter class will have mostly targets of this size and smaller out to 80m (some of the longer shots we will have larger targets but this takes away from the hunter class in my opinion). I get over-ruled in some of these discussion because a 50mm target at 80m in the wind with a 22LR shooting subsonics can be challenging.

    Open class will mean tighter time limits, more targets, harder shoot positions and longer distances. A 200mm target at 200m sounds not too bad really - its about 4MOA. But if you missjudge the average wind speed by more than 1m/s shooting subsonics you will miss it. It is roughly equivalent to shooting at a 400mm target at 1000 yards.

    Not trying to put anyone off coming along but comparitively Te Kuiti was an easy shoot

  9. #9
    5.56 AzumitH's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Ok I would like to book two places please, hunter class

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by AzumitH View Post
    Ok I would like to book two places please, hunter class
    Hey it's unfair on me winning if your there!
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  11. #11
    5.56 AzumitH's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    Hey it's unfair on me winning if your there!
    If only life was fair

  12. #12
    Member hunter308's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    Hey it's unfair on me winning if your there!
    Worry about my marlin model60 that thing is a tack driver I might get a few packs of subs to try up at @muckos place and see what it shoots best with just for the field shoot as well as have a play with the 270 and sight it in on its new powder charge

    To be a Human is to be an Alien, ask the animals, We invade this world and we are killing it, we are destroying the earth and nobody gives a fuck except for the animals

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Just means I'll have to put in more practice!!! Hahahahahahahahaha
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  14. #14
    5.56 AzumitH's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    I'll be looking to do the same, my .22 has been getting used exclusively at the 25m indoor range with subs, so it needs to get it's legs stretched. In saying that I've managed a 188/200 with it there, so if I get anything like that in the field I'd be pretty well pleased tbh.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Shit pistols at 50 paces by the look of it?
    Boom, cough,cough,cough



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