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Thread: Alcohol Stove DIY

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Here a collection of stoves that I've built over the past week all thanks to you Blue Arrow. First ones on the left progressing to the most recent on the right.

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  2. #32
    K95 is offline
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    Now do a boil off!
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  3. #33
    Member Blue Arrow's Avatar
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    NINE stoves?!? Awesome work buddy.

    Which one is the best/favourite @B_man ?

  4. #34
    sneakywaza I got
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    I have the Esbit Titainium meths cooker setup, was an impulse buy at a clearout sale, normally use hexi, have done for the last 30yrs - the burner full holds enough meths to bring 7 x 250mls to a rolling boil, the first 250mls water boil takes 8mins as the fuel load is slow to heat, after that a 250ml water (that's a coffee mug full) takes 4.5mins. If it were for heating to brew temp, not boil, would likely do 11-12 brews. All up weight with a full fuel load is 480gms

    These setups are fine in the garage playing, but in the real world these stove types a just way too sensitive to the mildest wind, offered to send it to a forum member so he could try one built to a commercial standard and get a feel for how they actually fare against usefull cooker/boil systems, but he didn't seem keen, think he sussed they aren't much more than a toy.

    Couple of weeks ago, my boy had enough of my (apparently) stone age habits and gave me a Jetboil setup and hid my hexi cooker so I had to take this new fangled thing up the hill (cause I like my brews!), well fuck me! good bit of kit, pleased he has his own, cause he ain't getting this one any time soon. Still gonna carry hexi though, cause you just never know ( and hexi tv is a relaxing thing to watch!)
    Blue Arrow likes this.

  5. #35
    Nga is offline
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    as for the can stoves, I found that the smaller the holes the better the "jet" and faster boiling/cooking.
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