My first saw was an old pioneer 11-30 it was a nice old saw to use, when that shit itself I had a brand new 30cc dolmar to keep me going I sold that even though it was a bloody good saw and got a stihl 034 (my first stihl) off trademe for $200 bore was buggered, did some research and bought an after market 036 piston and cylinder (034 and 036 share same crankcase, piston stroke etc) polished all the casting marks off the ports, got a brand new muffler in from the states that was dual ported for it and it used to win bets when people reckoned it could not handle a 24 inch bar so the 18 used to come off and the 24 went onwished I never got rid of that saw it was a beast for a small saw, only husky I owned was a brand new 375Xp and my hands used to be numb after using it everytime it used to leak bar oil all over the place so assholed it then went to a stihl 460. My vote will always go to Stihl