For the very hard steels get a good quality diamond stone for course grits, they cut faster than natural stone. Finish on natural stone if needed.
I use a dmt fine/extra fine then 6k water stone then strop.
The dmt fine is pretty aggressive and will do about everything you need short of reprofiling.
For my hunting/butchery knives I only take it to the xtra fine then strop. This will get it shaving sharp while still having a little tooth to it.
800 is pretty coarse, most will want to go finer. Dont be scared of sharpening on a stone either, heaps of info on the web and it really isnt hard. Once you learn you will never have a dull kniglfe again.
Final note, especially true with the super steels but it's much easier to keep a knife sharp than make a knife sharp again. Good maintenance of an edge will make life way easier. Strop and compound are the way to go.