whats your guys thoughts on dubbin?
Use the cream and spray on my work Lowa's, seems to work well, no issues with waterproofing. But yeah, expensive and a pain in the ass to use the cream.
I use effax. Leder Balsam. It's a German product sold by saddlers for saddles, bridles etc. been used for years by a lot of farmers etc. but relatively unknown to hunters. Comes in a 500ml tub or small tube about tooth paste size. Brush it on with a small brush and it soaks in like dubbin. Also good on leather slings, pack straps etc.
Just to jump in here with a question (hope you don't mind Gibo) I have these.
Any ideas on a good waterproofing product. I used the silicon spray last time but it did not seem to last long.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
warmed up snowseal works well on leather, i have an original camsys oilskin jacket that is in need of a re-proofing but if anyone want to save me the effort and buy it from me. make me an offer.
I use nik wax on all my gear. It's good stuff. Found the nik wax nubuck leather stuff really good on my lowas.
a little of the subjectbut i used kiwi oxblood (dark red) nugget to colour the stock on my old .303-numerous coats of polyurethane rubbed back between coats over the top and 30yrs +shes still a handsome beastiie-so much so ive got a 12g sxs and my .223 with its chinese varnish finish who may when im bored get the same treatment.Might sound dickheadish but hell it works and i like it-annnnnd if any cunt nicked it its pretty well identifiable by me.mind you all of mine have somewhere on them a mod or mark made by me and known only to me to cover that possibility.
for those in chch if youre in the barrington mall area call into Mr minute lookfor a big bastard name of jase-tell him kotuku theold bastrd sent ya and to give you some advice on how to look after these synthetic materials.Believe me manys the time hes come home and told me of much the same problems as you guys mention on here.quite the funniest are asians who buy a pair of warehouse special sheilas shoes and front him asking for their guccis to be fixed now!!!
he can also direct you to lee at church corner who was trained on boot repairs etcet by and old time cobbler.lee does some shit hot work and trained jase up to his standards.