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Thread: Custom rifle cases/bags

  1. #16
    Member Brian's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Upper Hutt
    Dockery canvas in Upper Hutt will make most things. Would be worth a call.
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  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    @Brian well that's mighty convenient, I just happen to be living in Upper Hutt at the minute, having moved up from Dunedin recently. Had a quick look at their facebook and looks like I could get just what I'm after there. I'll get in contact with them. Cheers.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    South Otago
    Probably too small for your rifle but I used a padded compartmentalised(?) lap-top bag for my take-down Gevarm.
    Just posting this to give you an idea, there may be similar smallish zip up padded bags out there that would suit your needs.?

  4. #19
    MB is offline
    Member MB's Avatar
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    Deerless North
    Bag from China arrived. It's surprisingly well made with thick material, but the zips on these cheap bags usually break first. Anyway, it's a good fit. I'll need to sort out some foam or something else to protect the individual components from each other in the bag. Bergara 16.5 inch barrel.

    Last edited by MB; 08-08-2020 at 01:24 PM.
    Pixie Z likes this.



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