If anyone is looking for a custom knife with a steel/sheath option member Von Gruff does them.
I'm not sure of the grade/grit.
I do know he makes these , he could possibly make to size etc.
If anyone is looking for a custom knife with a steel/sheath option member Von Gruff does them.
I'm not sure of the grade/grit.
I do know he makes these , he could possibly make to size etc.
yes I did spot the three dots.......very tidy workmanship as always.
@bumblefoot. Rubbing down the steel with a scouring pad, by how much?
till the grooves are smother,not sandpaperlike old boys would bury steel in pot plant/garden for months to achieve same result. you are smoothing out the sharp edges so it rolls the feather edge rather than remove it.
one of the steels I have has completely smooth bits on two quarters of steel..eg from 12-3 and 6-9 o clock the other two quarters are fine normal steel grooves.
@Three O'Three Until smooth. I used a wet and dry sandpaper to make even the fine butchery steels smoother.
I've just bought an Egginton Sportsman Steel - Fine Cut for my little Victory Drop Point Hunter. A cool little steel, but big enough for a hunting knife. I'll tie some orange baling twine on the ring though as it'll be easy to lose it if I drop it when dressing an animal in grass. It is fine, but could still be smoother....
@Three O'Three I just bought another drop point hunter today in a "very hard to lose" colour....
@bumblefoot. Nice. Mines the traditional blue. Very sharp, holds edge well, easy to maintain, worth the money.
@Three O'Three I've already go 3 of the blue handled ones.... I am not a hoarder, I am not a hoarder, I am not a hoarder...![]()
This should help me find it if I drop it!
blue is much better choice than orange...the orange blends into browns just too easily.
@bumblefoot I've been trying to find info online like a youtube video for something visual on smoothing sharpening steels but nothing out there. Guess I'll have to have a crack at it and hope for the best, suppose its something that can't be fcuked up?
just rub it with grain...you wont make it worse than it is,if too course now any thing will be improvement.
this thread has made me appreciate the extremely fine and bare steel I have got...thank you to all, for educating me as to why its made like that.