Petzl NAO headlamp? Anyone had any experience with them? Thoughts?
Petzl NAO headlamp? Anyone had any experience with them? Thoughts?
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
Made sure my little headtorch has a lock on it so you don't turn it on in the pack. Currently using a black diamond, used a petzll tikka and been happy with it
Amanda has just emailed re a problem with freight of Maxtochs from China this week or so:
"Several customers complained that they received flashlights missing screw or totally no screws. After checking with domestic courier, it is confirmed that the security check grade of parcels is upgraded in Hangzhou, as Hangzhou is about to hold G20 summit. Since flashlights are defined as electronic products, the checking rate is even higher. The security staff just took off screws without putting them back.
Please inform guys don't be worry if they receive flashlights like this. Contact us and we will send screws right away. Actually we are considering to cease sending parcels for a while. If the checking grade is upgraded again in August, we are worrying more lights will be disassembled.
Best regards, Amanda"
So don't hesitate to contact Amanda if torch arrives without screws! I seem to remember heightened security for some other event in the past... don't worry it'll pass.
I wonder if Amanda can send a bag of screws to gadgetman, so we don't need to wait 2-4 weeks before we can use our new torches.
I have 2 torches sent this week, so fingers crossed that they arrive complete.
Brian has got some spare screws - so if anyone gets a disassembled torch minus screws from China get hold of him (gadgetman) pronto and he will send them.
If Chinese security is examining goods to protect the G20 conference its hard to fathom why they are dismantling goods being freighted OUT of China, and not into area where conference is happening. Doesn't make alot of sense really....nor does dismantling this export product and biffing screws away. Smart.....
I'm amazed they found the correct size bit to get the screws out.
Keen to see some more Maxtoch comparison photos Quentin - if your new 2X arrives intact..... 2X is a serious grunter for a scope mountable light.
Got my new upgraded M24 few days back and its amazing also. Over 300k lux and bugger all difference between it and the bigger 365k 2X out to 300m, after which the 2X's extra grunt shows up a little. Lighter M24 going straight onto rifle with 2X as handheld - perfect combo. Will give them a workout friday night...
I've run the M24 and the upgraded M24 side by side, and the difference is definitely noticeable, but not mind blowing. It's only around a 100 lumen increase at the LED with the same reflector, so these results were expected. I took photo's out at 200 and 800, but they look pretty much identical, so did not post them. (waiting for the 2X to try this again)
The larger head and reflector in the 2X should be a whole different story I suspect. A higher output LED than the M24 should also help out.
Earlier dedomed M24 was about 220k, with upgrades added here about 275k?, upgraded M24 available ex factory is now 305k, and new 2X is 365k. Most perceptible difference to me is long distance, 3-400m plus.
Best battery and best place to buy, I know I've asked before.18650
"ars longa, vita brevis"
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
that's bloody brilliant and have ordered. Cheers GM
"ars longa, vita brevis"
keep me in the loop. have ordered and no return sale at this stage.
"ars longa, vita brevis"