@hotsoup Are they water proof?
@hotsoup Are they water proof?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
The one thing that's always in my pocket is a Victorinox Climber pocket knife. Not sure what I value the most, tooth pick, scissors or blade. Amazing little multitool.
the pink bit of para cord that lives on top of Megs dog pack...it saved the day yesterday when my bit of boot lace broke,so much easier and cleaner to bone out meat when its up a tree at chest height rather than down in the dirt and leaves..untill you drop it aye @amlnz LOL...
so my best bit of kit...a bit of string somewhere around or over 30cm long.
75/15/10 black powder matters
yup I have a 12 metre length of 5mm heavy nylon rope have had it in one of my belt bags for must be nearly 30 years at least - hung a few up - been saved from muppets knives a few times - but I like my belt - made by saddler in Gisborne many years ago - heavy leather with brass pack saddle buckle -two canvas belt bags for ammo -torch etc
Niggeloh rifle slings. Make a shoulder carry easy and a pleasure, comfey, rifle doesnt move, much less tiring than carrying a rifle in hand because the rifle is close to the centre of gravity / balance.
Mustering stick, makes sidling, descents easy, make old legs young because there is no leg energy going into maintaining balance
Yep string/ paracord etc. In my pouch is one length of 3-4mm cord that's a spare boot lace, guy rope, close line, pack fixer, meat hanger etc. Also have two 2mm short lengths just for hanging legs and meat bags etc. Makes butchering so much easier and cleaner.
Will always remember a day with my grandfather out in the garage. He was working away at something while i watched and he turned to me and said got a piece of string, I shrugged and he said what sort of boy doesn't have string in his pocket.
The generic Lanna / Luci inflatable solar lanterns have been a huge bonus in huts and tents
No more kero or gas lanterns smell and noise
No more using headlights in a hut or tent and blinding your mates
I have heaps of these and some are likely 10 years old and still go great
Weigh nothing
Great to leave out on slow flash to find a tricky tips camp in the dark
And best thing is super cheap
A few hours a day of decent light and charged
My Cactus supershorts. I live in them outside of work. If could wear them to the office, I would. I wore out the crotch of my first pair - was getting a bit embarrassing to be seen in public with them. I took them in to Cactus HQ and they patched them up. Should do another 5+yrs easily. The fabric's a bit stiff at first, but once they're worn in they're super comfortable and tough as nails.
Cable ties…use them constantly on packs,tarps,lashing frames,all sorts of uses,
Those Bahco knives really are the ducks nuts!
Bay Tyres-Driving the best deal since ages ago
Silky Bigboy saw, makes cutting up some chunky firewood for huts a breeze.
Rab Mythic sleeping bag, genuinely feels like sleeping in a warm little cloud. pricey as hell but I'd get another one in a heartbeat.