Time to upgrade my Summit and want a light Gps with easily loaded topo maps. Any suggestions?
Time to upgrade my Summit and want a light Gps with easily loaded topo maps. Any suggestions?
Funtrex 130. Simple, light ,cheap.. Runs memorymap app... Comes with free memorymap topos... Waterproof.. $399.. Had mine 2 years an shes still charging on like a champ.....
Tony Savage - KiwiGPS is the person you want to talk to. Based in Chch.
I have a Garmin 62s, good setup.
If it's not a first round hit you need to practice more
I have a garmin 62s with nz topo in as new condition for sale soon, drop me a pm if your interested
Just a slopy retrobate
I'm seeing a friend with the latest 60 something this weekend so will see what I make of it.
Garmin 62S is the perfect hunting buddy. Also dont pay for the maps I know where you can get them open source for free.
I love my 62S and wont leave home with out it