Remember that guy that spent a week solo in the Kawekas with this.... what a legend
I feel like the original Maxtoch was the best all rounder. No fancy shit, just one button. Handy red light and bright enough main light. Do any of the companies make one like this? I’ve still got one and it’ll be a sad day when that dies.
I had one of the Nitecores but bugger me the amount of functions on it drove me mad.
Yeah it takes a while to get the hang off the nitecore functions, like being able to get the function you want first time is a lottery until you spend a bit of time learning how.
Sorted thanks peeps.
Cheers for the advice as always
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I've decided to get the cyansky HS6R
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I'll be the first to let everyone know if I have any problems, I have a very old Black Diamond (20+ years) that I can imagine the wires pulling out of, but the elastic headband gave up first.
Maybe the led lenser everyone is mentioning is a newer light than the two I have been using for the last 15yrs plus...dunno.
I can chuck a pic up but my two have been faultless, I carry them in the 4wd for the camping trips so they don't get used continuously or every weekend though.
I had wondered why this H25LR has been selling so well for the past week, now I know lol. Glad everyone enjoys them.
Just thought I'd mention that the new Sofirn HS21 has replaced everything else I use. I plan on making a demo video, I've just been a bit busy.
The HS21 has a regulated driver/circuit board for high stabilised brightness. The spot beam measured 280m at turn on and then at 30 seconds for ANSI FL1 it's 261m on turbo. After the stepdown from turbo it settles at a very high 700 lumens and 170m range. Not many out there can hold 170m range for the entire run. It has 5 brightness levels for each LED mode of Spot, Flood, Spot+Flood, and Red. There's a single button on top for turning it on/off and changing brightness, and also a head rotary dial that changes the LED modes. Each LED mode uses memory, so basically set it once and no more holding and clicking switches. I have Flood mode set to medium and Spot mode set to turbo. Walking around the farm using the flood and then one rotation click of the head gets me spot turbo for a scan around, then back to flood medium. It's so easy and effortless. Red is very bright and holds its 100 lumen turbo level for 5 hours without reducing to a lower brightness (red photo on my website appears much darker than in person).
I sell it for $97.