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Thread: Importing, Shipping, pitfalls and work arounds

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  1. #1
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    Importing, Shipping, pitfalls and work arounds

    Instead of hijacking the Kuiu shipping thread I thought I'd try and share some of my experiences.

    Kuiu, Sitka, Eberlestock and other US companies that ship direct usually have a default shipper like FedEx, UPS etc.

    The shippers have standard box sizes that up to a max weight (say 2kgs ) will be a set price to NZ. So you'll pay that for one jacket in the box or one each for you and a mate, and two tops, a beanie each and gloves.

    Some retailers in the US, such as Moontrail won't sell / ship product such as MSR to NZ, because of licence agreements.

    It was a guy at Moontrail that put me onto www.shipito.com, a US freight forwarding outfit. You register with them, set up an account, and bingo, you've got a bricks and mortar shipping address. I bought the MSR stuff, had it sent to myself in Torrance CA, then did my own shipping. Shipito will take photos, repack, consolidate, remove invoices.

    Many US sellers offer free ground shipping via USPS, usually 7 days. So I look for free shipping inside the US..

    I get 90 days free storage at the warehouse in Torrance. That has allowed me to get small items sent there from all over the US,(read Tenebraex scope covers, Swaro bino lens covers, Leatherman pouches and bits ) that are unobtainium here, and that if shipped seperately would be horrendously expensive.
    They have options for consolidation, I just get the items reboxed in the retail packaging into one box.
    Requests such as photos, etc cost $1 each. They're available on a drop down menu.
    The box is weighed. You select shipping options from a multitude of companys, from FedEx to USPS, insured or not, etc.
    DHL has come on board and is usually $USD10.00 cheaper than any of the other players....BUT you pay by weight, not a flat rate.

    My US shipping address has got me around eBay sellers who won't ship internationally.

    In my eBay account I change my shipping address to mine in Torrance CA....bingo, I buy it, they ship.

    eBay is great for the likes of Meindls...if you know your size. I paid €55 for shipping for some from Germany, but landed them for less than half price.

    UnderArmor base stuff from Cabelas or eBay, get your size sorted here, mates get an order together, free shipping to a forwarder in the States, sort the documentation, sort the shipping...boom, save heaps bro.

    Prior to consolidating and shipping, you have to do your own online customs declaration.....this has certain advantages.....

    Outfits such as Gateway.com will purchase on your behalf, some sellers won't ship if the billing address doesn't match the shipping address. They charge a minimal fee, but remember, you're going this instead of getting raped back here, and are still probably saving a bomb.

    Things have changed. Most if not all US forwarders will not ship anything that is part of, or fits to a firearm. That's their policy, it's not illegal, they just don't want the hassle from the Feds.....so they won't ship scopes etc..anymore.

    Consolidation and group buying just requires a bit of forward planning, but there are savings to be made, both on purchase price and shipping. A lot of the US apparel is seasonal, their winter is our summer, so I'd be ordering now for our winter, while their stock levels are up.

    I've used NZ Posts UK YouShop twice. I made substantial savings using their shipping rather than default Royal Mail prices.

    In my experience YouShop tracking info is shit compared to US tracking, and the time taken to induct a parcel into the warehouse in the UK is a joke.

    I hope this answers a few questions for some who haven't tried.

    You must do your homework on exchange rates and shipping.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    You're the man. Thanks for the info.

  3. #3
    Member 199p's Avatar
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    Good post mate

    I have also brought lots of goods from the USa
    Scopes, clothing, Bipods, Rings and way to many car parts

    I have also found that there is very cheap or free shipping with in the USA but after that it gets costly.

    I have had quotes from many shipping options and have found
    Youshop is great for small orders
    USPS have been my main go too
    And main freight from here for the heavy stuff

    With USPS i have found a lot of the times it only take 4 days to his customs at a much cheaper rate then DHL

    The only thing that gets up my noise is standard shipping options ( normally way to big for order ) and being charged duty for items you cannot buy in NZ
    Shaun@KUIU likes this.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by 199p View Post
    Good post mate

    I have also brought lots of goods from the USa
    Scopes, clothing, Bipods, Rings and way to many car parts

    I have also found that there is very cheap or free shipping with in the USA but after that it gets costly.

    I have had quotes from many shipping options and have found
    Youshop is great for small orders
    USPS have been my main go too
    And main freight from here for the heavy stuff

    With USPS i have found a lot of the times it only take 4 days to his customs at a much cheaper rate then DHL

    The only thing that gets up my noise is standard shipping options ( normally way to big for order ) and being charged duty for items you cannot buy in NZ
    Good info mate.....

    Hopefully enough of it in this thread to answer some questions for guys who haven't tried doing it themselves.

    Guys have to offset the 'shock horror' reaction to postage /freight costs against potential savings, big picture scenario.

    30 years ago I used to mail order lots of plastic model kits from the UK. In those days I had the option of Airfreight ( 3 weeks ) or Surface Mail ( 12- 16 ). Surface was waaaay cheaper.

    These days, the only option is Airfreight, with delivery from 1-3 working days out to 21 days.

    The various shippers and their options are laid out quite plainly when I use Shipito. Often the 7-10 working day options are substantially cheaper than the 3-5 working day option, but not that much more expensive than the 14-21 days.

    At the end of the day I go through the whole process because I'm buying something that I can't get here, or I'm saving shitloads....so I want it here yesterday.

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  5. #5
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    I can clearly see why john key, bill English and the retailers want the gst to be put on every items coming into the country before the end of the year.

  6. #6
    Member 199p's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friwi View Post
    I can clearly see why john key, bill English and the retailers want the gst to be put on every items coming into the country before the end of the year.
    I am in both camps with this one,
    As a retailer it would be great to have things a little more even but gst is not the issue its the pay rates between countries that's the main cost difference, our biggest business expense. ( trying to keep ontopic )

    For example in the shop we sell Belly bars,
    We buy direct from manufacturer in Thailand and put out at a good price but even so they are $25 - $35 per bar, Surgical steel, High quality.
    But you can buy similar styled bars out of china for $5nz with free shipping off the net, Junk steel and rubbish quality.
    We tried some but had to replace most of them under consumers guarantee act that does not apply when people buy direct.

    But when buying when I can get better service, less of a run around then shopping local, The Item quicker and generally save some money ( Only got H&F now, Hamils was great)
    Or you simply cannot get what your after in NZ then it will suck
    but 15% isn't going to be a massive hit.

    Example would be my under armour base 4.0 top i've had for 3 years now,
    Contacted Under Armour nz at the time and they weren't importing them.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friwi View Post
    I can clearly see why john key, bill English and the retailers want the gst to be put on every items coming into the country before the end of the year.
    And I'll pay it if applicable, but humour me if you will.....

    When H&F started stocking UnderAmor ( not the fitted camo stuff )it was $119.00 per Base 2.0 top. Same item at Cabelas $US46.00, our dollar bought $US 0.82c or thereabouts. Mates and my son got sizing sorted, placed an order with Cabelas, shipped to me in CA. I sorted shipping.....

    A 75ltr hard Samsonite travel case with 4 castoring wheels retails here from between $750-$799. I landed one for my wife to my front door 3 months ago for $315.00.....declared at full value. From a German seller on eBay, included free shipping in lieu of 20% EU VAT.

    Retailers clamouring for GST to be payable on everything appear to me to be hiding behind the GST issue and ignoring the reason why I bypass their rip-off stores.

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  8. #8
    res is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by shift14 View Post

    Retailers clamouring for GST to be payable on everything appear to me to be hiding behind the GST issue and ignoring the reason why I bypass their rip-off stores.

    I couldn't agree more
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  9. #9
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Retailers aren't trying to rip us off. We need to realise that we are a very small market at the bottom of the world. The reason thisngs are so cheap in the US is because they have a huge market and their expenses are probably less. They can survive on smaller margins.
    One of my friends owned an outdoor store in Hamilton. His profit was 10%. So he sold a jacket for $500, his profit was $50, I don't think that is unreasonable. Remember any retailer has to pay a lease/rent, power, wages, insurance etc.
    You can't just compare the US price with the NZ price, factor in the exchange rate and say we are being ripped off. If that was the case then a whole lot of people would be setting up businesses bringing in stuff from overseas and selling it for small margins.
    199p and deer243 like this.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by stug View Post
    Retailers aren't trying to rip us off. We need to realise that we are a very small market at the bottom of the world. The reason thisngs are so cheap in the US is because they have a huge market and their expenses are probably less. They can survive on smaller margins.
    One of my friends owned an outdoor store in Hamilton. His profit was 10%. So he sold a jacket for $500, his profit was $50, I don't think that is unreasonable. Remember any retailer has to pay a lease/rent, power, wages, insurance etc.
    You can't just compare the US price with the NZ price, factor in the exchange rate and say we are being ripped off. If that was the case then a whole lot of people would be setting up businesses bringing in stuff from overseas and selling it for small margins.
    If a price differential of up to $NZ484 for an identical suitcase isn't a rip, then what is.

    I bought our OR Goretex jackets from a store here probably much the same as your friends, but not at RRP, on sale, less 35%. I did check off shore prices, but there was nothing in it, so I didn't import.

    Discerning buyers aren't the threat to people such as your mate.

    The Briscoes / Rebel Sport and Warehouse / Torpedo7 / R n R Sport Groups with their buying power and vertical structures don't seem to be struggling.......

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by shift14 View Post
    If a price differential of up to $NZ484 for an identical suitcase isn't a rip, then what is.

    I bought our OR Goretex jackets from a store here probably much the same as your friends, but not at RRP, on sale, less 35%. I did check off shore prices, but there was nothing in it, so I didn't import.

    Discerning buyers aren't the threat to people such as your mate.

    The Briscoes / Rebel Sport and Warehouse / Torpedo7 / R n R Sport Groups with their buying power and vertical structures don't seem to be struggling.......

    Quote Originally Posted by shift14 View Post
    Mates and my son got sizing sorted
    How did you do that? By going into a shop and getting service from staff being paid wages, where the shop is paying power rent etc? Yes, often NZ retailers can struggle to simply beat a price from oversea, but when you buy from offshore, I suggest you buy off shore. Dont ask a local retailer to carry what you want so you can check its size before buying it else where, Dont ask a NZ agent to fix it cos it broke, and when it arrives damaged in transit, buy another one from the first supplier.

    Retailers and importers here have to cover warranties on products themselves, and any damaged goods are not usually able to be returned to factory so they wear that as well. I support local and NZ when I can, and if that means paying more for service, then I rest easy knowing a staff member will get paid for what they have done. Otherwise when these shops close, the staff lose jobs and we all end up paying for that.
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    How did you do that? By going into a shop and getting service from staff being paid wages, where the shop is paying power rent etc? Yes, often NZ retailers can struggle to simply beat a price from oversea, but when you buy from offshore, I suggest you buy off shore. Dont ask a local retailer to carry what you want so you can check its size before buying it else where, Dont ask a NZ agent to fix it cos it broke, and when it arrives damaged in transit, buy another one from the first supplier.

    Retailers and importers here have to cover warranties on products themselves, and any damaged goods are not usually able to be returned to factory so they wear that as well. I support local and NZ when I can, and if that means paying more for service, then I rest easy knowing a staff member will get paid for what they have done. Otherwise when these shops close, the staff lose jobs and we all end up paying for that.
    I don't ask the local retailers to stock anything. What they do stock is their business. Where I spend my money is mine.
    It's the 21st century, not the Muldoonist 70's thank goodness.

    Read my posts in their entirety. Don't just selectively quote the instances where I bought off shore. If the local price stacks up, I buy local.
    Wanking on about warranty and local support for items purchased overseas is a giggle.
    Elsewhere on this forum I've given examples two examples of Swarovski after market service with regards scopes bought offshore.
    A Z6 I had a ballistic turret retrofitted to, and a Z5 with a scratched ocular.
    Both were returned via the local agent ( NZ Ammo ) who I was upfront with regards the purchase history.
    The service from both parties was outstanding. The Swaro service centre guy said you buy the brand, not just the scope..

    If you're going to preach to me from the moral high ground, I hope you spend more time there than it takes to post here.

    Last edited by shift14; 02-02-2016 at 04:56 PM.
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  13. #13
    Member deer243's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    How did you do that? By going into a shop and getting service from staff being paid wages, where the shop is paying power rent etc? Yes, often NZ retailers can struggle to simply beat a price from oversea, but when you buy from offshore, I suggest you buy off shore. Dont ask a local retailer to carry what you want so you can check its size before buying it else where, Dont ask a NZ agent to fix it cos it broke, and when it arrives damaged in transit, buy another one from the first supplier.

    Retailers and importers here have to cover warranties on products themselves, and any damaged goods are not usually able to be returned to factory so they wear that as well. I support local and NZ when I can, and if that means paying more for service, then I rest easy knowing a staff member will get paid for what they have done. Otherwise when these shops close, the staff lose jobs and we all end up paying for that.
    What?? Retailers don't have to cover warranties themselves if they havnt imported it themselves. If they buy of a nz supplier and something goes wrong, the supplier will fix the issue as covered by warranties or consumer G Act. IT depends on the product etc but its life in the real world now. If you can buy something overseas far cheaper than you can here you a fool not too unless you have no money issues and happy to throw it away.. Same with damaged stock, I work in retail, if we don't import the stuff ourselves (we do with some things) if it arrives damaged we don't wear that at all. The supplier we send a new one, or repair and replace with no cost to us

  14. #14
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deer243 View Post
    What?? Retailers don't have to cover warranties themselves if they havnt imported it themselves. If they buy of a nz supplier and something goes wrong, the supplier will fix the issue as covered by warranties or consumer G Act. IT depends on the product etc but its life in the real world now. If you can buy something overseas far cheaper than you can here you a fool not too unless you have no money issues and happy to throw it away..
    Oh but they do.................Cga puts responsibility on the Retailer, if the distributor sorts it then they are a good distributor (there are a few stinkers about) but the responsibility for putting it right rests with the retailer, if they try and fob you off to the manufacturer / distributor they don't understand the CGA at all. Its up to them to sort it and then deal with the distributor / importer as a seperate issue. Unfortunately many retailers either do not understand or have the once its sold we don't care attitude.

    I buy both here and "there" depending but I am happy to assume all risks from "there"
    res likes this.
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  15. #15
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    Also, it's not just about savings. Well, for me anyway.

    The service I recieve from a number of off shore vendors make our local shops look terrible by comparison. Truly, truly terrible.

    I dont mind paying a premium if I get good service. There are a number of NZ shops that I am very happy to spend serious coin with, without batting an eyelid. Purely because of service.

    But paying WAY above what I can get something for elsewhere, AND be subjected to shithouse service is completely unacceptable.
    veitnamcam, BRADS, deer243 and 5 others like this.



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