Think Garmin have had to pull their socks up (redo procedure) somewhat after Adam Greentree's Southern Alps debacle - basically the guy at the Garmin Helpcentre went to lunch for three hours and ignored Adam's SOS. Going to be interesting to see if the new Starlink/satellite cellphone coverage thingy actually cuts out the need for gps units/this type of tech.
"Death - our community's number one killer"
Is that Garmin Helpcentre worker on a never ending lunch break now? That's pretty shocking.
That was before Garmin owned GEOS/IERCC (used to contract to them) - Now owned by Garmin and called Garmin response centre
FYI - Zoleo S.O.S goes to the Garmin response centre / IERCC
Garmin supports LANDSAR in NZ, and has a pretty good history as far as emergency and non emergency resolutions.
Full disclosure, I'm on the Garmin payroll.