I just use the same oil stone I use for my chisels and plane blades always have but only ever on the smooth side of the stone, works for me probably not razor sharp knives but plenty sharp enough for what I need.
I have a big cambrian lamb steel...short rabbiters of same make...both reasonably course but work well with mild steel...a oval diamond jobbie,works almost like a stoning...and a fisheries one that is smooth on 2 sides and very gently grooved on other 2.....
You might consider getting a decent double sided diamond stone, dmt is a good brand, carbatec sell them, will set you back a couple of hundred for a good 8 inch one but it will never dish or crack, you don’t need water if you don’t want too, but can use it to wash stuff away and it will last forever, a medium/fine combo will set you up along with a simple strop made from a bit of leather glued to a bit of flat wood and you are set.
Mind you if you ever need an edge reset, or want to try something really sharp I charge a fiver for a small knife or seven fifty for a big one and can take it up to 60,000 grit.
Shelley 021727546
This is my go to for touching up my jap knives. https://number27.co.nz/shop/Morihei-...-Hi-p355989345
Not the cheapest stone but it’s bigger than most stones so will last a long time. I finish off with a 3000, which is plenty fine enough for the home cook.
If you don’t want to spend that much, the King stones also do a bloody good job, at a lot less cost.
If you want a repair stone, the same site does a 320 Shapton glass stone that’ll rip out any damage in no time.
I wouldn’t trust the trademe stones, I’ve bought a few and they’ve always been very soft and a lot more course than they say.
Bought this today.
It has the two grit sizes I wanted.
Made in Japan, so should be better than TM 'Made in China' stuff.
Thanks for all your replies guys.
Much appreciated.