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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2021

    led lenser mh5 help

    hey all i brought a led lenser mh5 in mid December of 2022 as i needed a new head torch as the cheap enigizer head lamps weren't cutting it. i have used it a couple times and only charged it a few times as well but last night when i went to use it to check something at the back of my property the torch would not turn on apart from showing the green light. i put it on charge but still wont show.
    Name:  20230119_202405 (1).jpg
Views: 820
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    is this common or should I take it into my local dealer?

    but then yet again i might be allergic to light and cant see it.
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  2. #2
    Gone but not forgotten
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Does it have an anti-accidental-turn-on mode?
    Try pressing and holding the button down for several seconds

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Cigar View Post
    Does it have an anti-accidental-turn-on mode?
    Try pressing and holding the button down for several seconds
    hey there thanks for the advice but it does not seem to either be on the travel mode or it does not have the travel mode. the red light works perfectly fine so im am wondering if the led has broken or blown a fuse as i can hear something rattling inside it. i will most likely take it into the shop for them to have a look at

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2020
    I've got one of these. Good headlamps. My one has never had that problem - the travel lock is toggled off/on by holding the on switch for about 10s, and the front red light flashes three times if the main switch is pressed when it is in lockout. You might have better luck dealing with ledlenser directly for advice. I dealt with them on this email address:
    Ledlenser Administration <admin@ledlenser.co.nz>
    when I needed to get a warranty repair to the battery clip.

    I found them really easy to deal with - hope you get it sorted.



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