just looked at them and I actually have qc15 not qc25
just looked at them and I actually have qc15 not qc25
Using Tapatalk
I fly a lot and have done for a number of years,I also work in cafes etc. I love my bose qc25's
Someone above said to just turn the volume up to drown out outside noise-a very silly idea if you value your ears and would kill any supossed better sound of other headphones-my bose qc sound just as good to ME as boses top of the line non qc ones. I often use them with no music just to cut out the world and they are fantastic for phone calls-to the point that if im going to make an important call ill put them on even if im somewhere quiet.
Using Tapatalk
I've got a pair of Sennheiser PXC 450s
I got them in the US when I used to travel for work every few weeks
I trialled bose and sony ones too and these were way better in my opinion. larger cups that fit around your ear and seemed to be quieter than the other two.
I would highly recommend them
How can I connect these to a car radio?
Sounds silly, but I'm in a tractor off road so it's ok. It's not a Bluetooth stereo but is there still a way?
It's not all that loud in the cab but I do wear earmuffs, I was going to do away with them and go for the headphones.
Wireless headphones. Bluetooth headphones I guess.
By law, you are required to turn on your headlights if it's raining in Sweden.
How the hell am I supposed to know if it's raining in Sweden?
I thought I may be able to get some kind of transmitter or receiver there's a few on the net but I'm not sure which one to get or if it will work.
Might be easier to change to a Bluetooth head unit. I'm just unsure as most Bluetooth seems to receive from the likes of a phone, not transmit to headphones. Most people probably wouldn't use headphones with a car radio.
Nope, most would just connect the bluetooth buds with their phone and listen to music/radio on therepretty sure u wont be able to transmit from even a bluetooth headunit to earphones, as a headunit is meant to receive the bluetooth info from something like a phone, not transmit it. You can always get normal earphones with the standard 3.5 mm plug, and plug it into the aux on the headunit
By law, you are required to turn on your headlights if it's raining in Sweden.
How the hell am I supposed to know if it's raining in Sweden?
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
Maybe something like this.
A bit of a look online says I'd use 1gb per day using my phone, that's too much.