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Thread: Norinco M305, M14 ?

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    New Zealand, Rotorua
    Quote Originally Posted by bismarck View Post
    I mostly shoot military surplus ammo and have had no any issue so far. It's quiet accurate too.
    Make sure you grease your M14 and always keep the piston dry too!!


    Attachment 5565
    What stripper clips are those? Cheers!

  2. #92
    Member jim160's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    For what you pay for them are pretty good. As always, if you want the original and the best quality you pay the price.
    $500 for a norinco compared to $3500 for a Springfield.

    The norincos seem to get better groups the more rounds you fire and I'm shooting Iraqi ammo which ain't the best but still shoots ok groups. Quick groups of 3 inches or less. Will check again when I go to the range this week.

    Much the same with the AR15's you can get. The gun city ones aren't as good as the DPMS or Colt ones but you get what you pay for.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Interesting...I'm about to be in the market for an M14/M1A or M305



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