basically a glue to make blood congeal..... seen it in lumps like sugar cubes before too....
75/15/10 black powder matters
Yep mines granules like raw sugar. Good for putting in deep holes and lacerations to stop bleeding out. Also worth chucking a tampon in your first aid kit incase you fall onto a sharp branch and put a decent hole in yourself etc.
Im just off on an overnight trip, so thought id chuck up my kit for comparison.
First up the real important stuff. Pack, tent, sleeping bag and mat. Pack is a hyperlite mountain gear 70 litre and weighs 1.1 kg. the tent is a Kuiu summit refuge 3 person. I really like it for its weight and room, and multiple ways it can be erected. IE walking pole, saplings, or rope. It comes in at less than 900grams.
That leaves the bag and mat which bring the weight of this lot too 5.05kg
Then clothes. Ill plan on wearing trousers a lite and a heavier top, and socks underpants etc. I dont tend to count those as weight being carried.
The rest is hat, gloves, another set of socks, a set of shorts which will double as underpants or go over the thermals if I use them, and the set of thermals that lot gos in the yellow dry bag. In the blue drybag is a down jacket with hood.
Next is my kit. pot has cooker and lighter and spoon inside it. Spare ammo ,rain jacket, gas. Usually id carry 1 canister, but I have a half full one I want to use up. Rangefinder, coffee, compass and bino's, epirb, TP and first aid kit. The cup has soap, toothpaste and brush inside it as well.
Combined with the clothes, this comes too 4.9kg
I work on 600grams a day. It consists of A freeze dry meal, 6 muesli bars. 3 for each breakfast. half a bar of chocolate per day, and cheese and salami for lunch.
I dont tend to carry water, but will have an empty powerAid bottle along as well in case i need it.
No photo of that as its in my mates pack as I am carrying something else extra which I dont always carry., But food comes too 1.2kg
This trip We have a river crossing to contend with, so Im experimenting with a packraft which weighs 1.2kg, and with paddle and lifejacket and ropes its 4kg on the dot.
So ordinary weight of pack and kit and food is 11.15kg
With boat and gear and if i was carrying food, weight maximum 15kg, but as im carrying the rifle, my mate will take the paddles and trekking poles, so most likely around 13kg all up.
Rifle, scope, ammo in magazine comes in around 3-3.5 kg
Last edited by whanahuia; 22-03-2024 at 05:51 PM.
I going to give this to my wife, I’m sure we brought out more from the Timber Trail the other day, than we took in☹️
Boom, cough,cough,cough