I am looking at a big pack setup for long trips and meat lugging.
I am going to get the ALICE pack frame (from kiwidisposals) to complement my Austrian surplus 4 piece alice pack and straps. Here's where it gets special, I will have a square shaped floor/bottom for pack frame made from alloy bar welded to the bottom. I hope it will be good for 40+ kgs. Shouldn't matter if it gets blood and fur stains, as I can get rid of the bag and strap stuff straight to the frame with some paracord.
It is not easy to find a pack that can carry good weights and not tear itself or you apart. Never go for adventure brand lightweight packs, I seen a few goats rip the shoulder strap as their last post-mortem act of vengeance. A few kilos of pack sturdiness is nothing when you are hauling heaps.