Stuck deep in Fiordland on a job for a couple of weeks, many more moons ago than I care to count, somehow the mozzie rep didn't turn up in our gear, resorted to diesel, works really well, but not recommended!
Stuck deep in Fiordland on a job for a couple of weeks, many more moons ago than I care to count, somehow the mozzie rep didn't turn up in our gear, resorted to diesel, works really well, but not recommended!
now us coasters(the true variety) have known the cure for years -whiskey and sand-smother yaself in whiskey -roll in the sand -wee bastards land get pissed and start hurling rocks at each other killin all and sundry.
I also hear some blokes in fiordland reckon a 12g full of buckshot will deal with the larger ones.just saying mind you
+1 for the dettol / baby oil mix if you want cheap & cheerful, but you've got to re-apply often, and it can make you burn more easily in the sun. Deet works, but I wouldn't put that toxic shit anywhere near my skin if I can help it (although I'd consider it in dengue & malaria areas where you just don't want to risk getting bitten). I now use a tea-tree based repellent, and put up with the occasional bite.
If you can avoid scratching, the itching will fade more quickly. Also resist the urge to swat the buggers straight away, let them suck the anti-coagulant back out first.
Inevitably i get bit.
Razene to reduce the itching.
RIP Harry F. 29/04/20
Several options there for the repellent. Take a variety and find out which one works.
The bit that a lot of guys forget is the benefit of proactive antihistamine treatment. Yes the topical creams like Anthisan will work to an extent, but the most effective way is to build up an underlying dose of oral antihistamine in the bloodstream before you get into the bush, then keep yourself dosed up. I know this from years spent in African bush where all manner of flying bastards bit you all day and all night. We would get hammered by the tsetse flies, various midgies, mozzies and fleas, and the only way to sleep soundly after a day of bites was to be thoroughly dosed with antihistamine.
As a chronic hayfever sufferer I guess I know a bit more about antihistamines than the average guy, suffice to say there are several different types that you can get on prescription from your GP at negligible cost, specifically the modern ones that do not induce sleepiness like the first generation types such as Phenergen (promethazine) etc. And they don't interact badly with beer or other medications either which is quite important.
Cetirizine, loratadine, fexofenadine are the regular pharmacy ones that cost a fortune but you can get cheaply through your GP. The GP can also prescribe stronger prescription only varieties such as hydroxyzine for use at night if you have had a bad day and been bitten a lot. It will induce a bit of sleepiness but it doesn't (in my experience) come with the horrible hangover of promethazine. And man does it knock the infernal itching on the head.
No substitute for keeping yourself covered up obviously and using repellents properly, but if you do get bitten the antihistamines are a fast and effective way to rid yourself of the irritation.
if anyone can remeber the old reckitts "blue" bombs mum used to use to whiten the washing ,and you know where to get em -that stuff applied to bites knocks the itch on its arse .vinegar can too.vinegar applied neat is also excellent for relieving itches in athletes foot -tingles a little but does the job and bacteria dont like it.
Deet is my go to. Bens 100 in the little orange bottle. It’s 95% deet and 5% something less nasty, like arsenic
Someone said above it’s not good with plastics so watch your binos and definitely don’t go for a p1ss straight after applying!
Razene is a good anti-hist to ease the swelling and Soov cream (the pink/green tube not the white one) is good to stop the itching as it contains lignacaine (numbing agent).
I’ve like most trued it all. Hate getting bitten as I now swell up. Germolne I found is really good at taking the itch out of the bites. I keep a tube on me when in areas where sandflies, mosquitoes and no-see-ems are about. Obviously if in a malaria area (which nz is not) I cover right up and take the appropriate Precautions.
The vitamin b works well and garlic tablets. I also try not to wear dark colour like blue, black.
Face net for thé West cost is a good idea.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
I get large itchy lumps I now take two antihistamine tablets straight after an attack works for me (don't try this seek medical advice), still best keep the buggers at arm's length Deet seems effective but melts things.