This log was across the road from my place.
Bit dozy on one side, but still got 17 slabs out of it.
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How long do they take to dry out, and do you loose much of them to splitting? I've always had the idea of getting a slab to make a table, but have never got there as yet! Was a wedding thing idea for me and the wife, but ended up moving almost straight away to a rental which didn't have room and then a house where you just couldn't get a slab in upstairs!
Depends on the width. 1.5” is a bit thin for a wide, long slab. Doesn’t leave much room to flatten/plane any twist out of the slab. These were all 700-1000mm wide and I cut them to 2.5”. For small stuff up to 300mm, I’ll cut them from 1”-2”.
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Made lots of sawdust today. Used three of my stihls.dropped two pines around a meter across stump.both dropped textbook perfect onto inside of bulldozed track making ringing up and putting onto trailer a bit easier. My old 026 is in antisocial mode with hole in front face of muffler can poke a finger shit that saw has got balls. She just cuts and keeps going.completely different to the newer saws with higher revs,she just chugs along happily throwing sawdust around. I got totally covered ,even right through clothing. Happy as pig in shit even though I'm completely shattered physically now.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Our saw, had it a few years now and basically brand new condition, it was my bil's...nice grunty saw and will get a lot of use eventually.
That is seriously under barred. Should have something about 30 inches worth to chew on.that will go like stink as it is. We run one with 42" worth of cutting edge on my mates one and it goes hard.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Not mine nor someone i know but I think its a good deal for 500i if you looking
trademe 500i