So one of the things I loved about the lock down was I had time to actually sit down and get a few ideas that had being floating around in my head for awhile started.
As some of you may recall I designed three small fix blade knifes to discuss.
The feedback was awesome, thanks guys. Everyone had a favorite be it blade or handle shape.
One that did get a lot of votes was I think blade "A" combined with handle "C" and what was even more exciting is a kind forum member hit the go button for a build.
The knife hit all his design / function requirements but let me indulge myself on the eye candy side of the build which as a sign writer I really enjoy ( colours , materials etc )
So here is the first "small knife build " from that thread, thanks to the member for both the support and patience as well as being a good bugger to deal with.
As the first one he even got to name the model along my snake theme so this model is a "Krait".