I have pieces of old ram harness hanging up where I have my stones. Stone them then a quick strop. My Svord gets used to cut electric fence tape a bit so dulls the blade real quick. In saying that I struggle to keep a good edge on the Svord. Found the stainless blades easier(or more used to doing them)
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So what breed of knife do you @BRADS AND @Ryan_Songhurst use ?
The little vitronox knives are pretty impressive as well. Had one similar to the one in photo, left it in a lunchbox (for months) that happened to have a half full bag of salt... (picked up off a track) one small bit of corrosion on he edge and the rest buffed out with a bit of crc and steel wool
man I must be real old school or just plain getting old......
always carry a steel with me on sheath knife or if just taking folders Ive got a wee bic pen sized one that fits inside an alloy outer that works as handle....knives get a quick flick half way through weather they need it or not,good excuse for a stretch I reckon.
Thats Carbon steel knives for you man. They will all roll an edge when using against bone. Will come back to razor with a hone on a steel halfway through.
Modern stainless is way harder but once it's blunt it's blunt and will need a stone to bring it back.
The hc steels are typically way easier to put a fine edge on.
@dannyb do your best to clean the pitting up as much as possible as this will be where rust takes first in the future.
I would force a patina, yellow mustard is my favourite medium for this.
Get a small hone to carry with you and this knife will last a long time. Good carbon knifes need a bit of maintenance but will take an edge unlike any other. Way more character is a nicely patina'd blade too