Pinning won't stop the head working loose, it will stop it flying off if it does come loose though. But, if it's loose you shouldn't be using the thing so... It's a little different with a race axe and swinging the thing with passion in front of a stand of spectators - you need the safety factor in that instance and only using top grade wood in the handles that costs as much as the head etc etc.
The pinning is an option on the full size axes, I'd say if you ordered one you could get it pinned no problem and then you won't have to worry.
On the subject of handles, who has a decent stop of the good ones - like the imported Columbia brand from the states? They have a decent size to the haft so they can actually be shaped down enough to fit a full size head like a Plumb, Kelly or Hytest... I used to get them from the local emporium store but they've run out, and the local hardware shops like Mitre10 seem to just have the locally made ones that are 90cm handles with a haft that fits a hatchet head. It's a bit ridiculous, I have never seen an axe head with an eye that small (45mm by 16mm) even the imported stuff. The outfit that makes them has shaped them way too much, should have left them a straight oval rather than taking them down to the tiny oval they are now. Not that bad as handles in terms of timber grain too...