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Thread: Twin Niddle Gear

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi-Hunter View Post
    Hi Tahr
    I used it a lot when culling.
    It also supports the back, has enough pockets for the ammo needed in those days and all that I need if caught out.
    I spose I must be old fashioned. I've always carried my stuff in a pikau or small pack. Only a little belt pac with ammo and first aid and knife around my waste. Nowadays a PLB too. Oh, and range finder. Hell, the shit around my waste is mounting up.

  2. #32
    Member 45SOUTH's Avatar
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    Dec 2011
    Hyde Otago
    Out were I was yesterday the land own wants you to carry a minimum of PLB and a R/T and first aid kit that's just before you go over the cattle stop Agr hat to be worn on the bike at all times. I don't mind it's all easy to do

  3. #33
    Member Kiwi-Hunter's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    I spose I must be old fashioned. I've always carried my stuff in a pikau or small pack. Only a little belt pac with ammo and first aid and knife around my waste. Nowadays a PLB too. Oh, and range finder. Hell, the shit around my waste is mounting up.
    Your not old fashioned Tahr it's what works for you.
    I used the same set up for years off a Grunt belt and floated between a frame pack and the pikau which has mod's on the harness now.
    We all had green river knives and swanndri's still good gear but heavy when wet, time moves and bark River, huntec, swazi, and now the list is large but the clothing is light and warm.
    We didn't have PLB's a note in the hut book or a mate see you Monday week
    Ranger finder I use a mate's, mostly I still use the cross hair system.
    Us little guy's around the waste it's alright if you have hips to hold that stuff, shoulder straps just keep it in place with out hitching it up all the time.
    Older and wiser I hope. But 400.00 that seams a lot for the little bag around the waste.
    Last edited by Kiwi-Hunter; 13-01-2015 at 01:12 PM.
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