I wear glasses now for up close stuff- reading, surgery, but not for driving or hunting/shooting.
Question: how many shoot with glasses or contacts and does it affect the zero of your scope.
I wear glasses now for up close stuff- reading, surgery, but not for driving or hunting/shooting.
Question: how many shoot with glasses or contacts and does it affect the zero of your scope.
Doesn't affect zero, but I get a clearer view if I take my glasses off. In practice, I take them off for longer shots and target shooting. No time for such niceties when bush hunting. I'm mildly short-sighted (-1.5) and increasingly long-sighted. Getting old is depressing!
When I was a kid I was diagnosed with Strabismus........Thats when one eye doesnt follow the other. What it does is that when turn my eyes to the right ( without moving my head,) one eye goes up while one stays level. What I see when I look to my right is 2 different views and if focused on an object I see 2 objects. The cure was to have prisms in my prescription glasses so that when I look to the right, it lowers one sightplane and raises the other so my brain ( what little I have left) gets one image and not 2. Looking straight ahead or to the left is perfect......
My glasses are tailored prescriptions which are unique to me and cost almost the price of a new rifle and scope.
I have been caught out a couple of times when hunting, where I have seen a couple of deer when sitting just on dusk, taken a shot and watched them both drop with headshots............but been disappointed when I walked over to find only one animal..............
The only benefit from Strabismus is that when I want to put the fear of god into children, I take my glasses off and turn my head to the left and look at them to give them the evil eye.........
Been hunting with glasses since my early teens. The condition does cause problems when using a scoped rifle, major problems actually. I have to move my head on the scope to ensure my right eye is exactly centred or the prism in the right lense will 'bend ' my view and the shot will not hit the point of aim. Couple with the above problem is that my long vision isnt all that great........
Having said all that, it didnt stop me from becoming a AA grade skeet and trap shooter and I still manage to keep the freezer filled with game meat...
Yeah, now I am older its glasses off to see up close and on for distance vision OR contacts in for Distance and the glasses over them for up close.
Starting to make my job real awkward. Mostly reverted to glasses now with contacts only when hunting and multiple pairs of reading glasses strewn thru all my shooting gear bags![]()
Went spotlighting tonight for the first time in a long time. Looking through the scope with my glasses on was just plain awful, everything was horribly blurred!
Brimmed hat is a must in the rain.
For using binoculars with specs/sunglasses, I find 7x50s are easiest to align with your eyes thanks to their large (7.14mm) exit pupils.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Well I'm just going thru the healing process at the moment from Lasik.
So far I am converted. I've gone from +9.50 down to +3.50 and bugger all Astigmatism
I still have to wear glasses, but its reduced it to the level I can wear chemist glasses now and contacts once healed up.
Its costly at $6k and not for everyone, but cheap compared to ICL's at 7.5k per eye and nothing in the scheme of things compared to what has been spent on my eyes over the last 3 decades
Bigger Better Faster Stronger
Handle the Jandle, or get off the Beach
The Original Striker
Wore glasses for many years - got them when I was 21 and was amazed that trees had leaves.
Got my eyes lasered in 2000 and it was the single best thing I've ever spent money on...
Edit: I got my eyes done by the top guy in SA at the time. If you going to play with something like eyes, you best go straight to the guy that they would send you to if anything went wrong.
My long distance vision is pinpoint 21 years later (had my eyes checked a week ago, so still current!) but now have to wear age related reading glasses for close up stuff.
thats prob PRK, the old method, melt the epithilum off with alcohol, still used for thin corneas etc
Blade free lasik is the new way these days. really weird seeing the laser change the surface of your eye
our internal lenses can only compensate so much, they begin to harden with age and the focusing muscles begin to weaken.
some are lucky for one correction and good, others not so much.
Last edited by striker; 04-05-2021 at 04:37 PM.
Bigger Better Faster Stronger
Handle the Jandle, or get off the Beach
The Original Striker
Yeah, there's a longer story to mine. My brother had really bad eyesight and was enquiring about PRK back in the day. The eye guy told him to wait for this new thing called LASIK and that he would give him a shout when he thought the technology was advanced enough. I suppose 1998 or so he gave my brother a call and said 'right, come have it done' and so he did, and was delighted. Told me about it, and I had it done a few years later - the technology had moved since and I imagine that it's a whole number of generations down the line by now.
in last year Ive noticed the decline..reading without them is an effort now..my arms just arent long enough,would hate to try n pop zit in mirror as when close enough to mirror to have detail..im too close to focus LOL
will need to carry pair full time very soon.
I’m halfway through Intraoccular lens replacement. Had my left done last Wednesday and my right gets done tomorrow. At nearly 60, I’ve been wearing contacts for 35 years correcting astigmatism in both eyes and very shortsighted. Not a good candidate for LASIK as it may not last. IOL a much better solution for me, it’s basically a cataract op without me having cataracts and will see me out. They’ve gone into my eye and chopped up my lens and sucked it out and put in a implant. I’m 20/20 in the left eye now and can use the PC without reading glasses. Still need reading glasses for very close work. The implant is designed to give a range of excellent distance to intermediate vision and it certainly delivers, can’t wait for tomorrow. Not cheap though, 7 grand a side. Would have been on insurance if I actually had cataracts.
10MRT shooters do it 60 times, in two directions and at two speeds.
When I investigated contacts for astigmatism they told me that they orient themselves by being heavier at the bottom. If you tilt your head sideways, the contacts re-orientate down and the world goes strange.
I always tell folk they should consider Lasik - two days after it's done you're wondering what all that fuss and bother about glasses and contacts was all about, then you remember, oh, yeah, because I couldn't see.