Just in case anyone is still going to try get stuff out of the US via youshop it might pay to have a look over this - https://support.nzpost.co.nz/app/ans...75Mv_9~zj~PP90
I don't know why people ever used youshop.. there were dozens of similar yet experienced forwarding services in the states before youshop came about.. been using a few for years.
I love how they claim
Hunting knives
Folding and fixed blade knives
as restricted or dangerous items but what is the difference between a kitche knife and a hunting knife? Far more people are hurt (mostly self inflicted) by kitchen knives but they are not restricted. Bunch of tosser bureaucrats....
Pooshop at its best....
30mm pipe clamps have worked for me in the past!
Youshop is a pain in the arse, pretty expensive too.
I find if you look around you'll find a US site that will ship to NZ, bought plenty of scopes and rings etc without a forwarding company.
Theriflescopestore.com and Natchezss.com have done me well in the past.
I've also bought a Harris bipod from someone private on Ebay, sent it no problems.