Utu was the movie no?
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
Out of the Turkish made shotguns, ATA make a better shotty.
They make a few under licence for Barretta.
Life is natures way of keeping meat fresh
cant fault the H&R pump I use...sure action is made in china...and its heavy...well it was heavy then I chucked another 11oz of lead shot up her date its now super plurry heavy and just the way I like it for opening weekend soaking up recoil from 3" shells...the only 2 times its let me down slightly was with first lot of 3" shells and I found action was too dry,bit of lube and away it went the 2nd was with remington hypersonicshitkickingsoreearsshoilderarse loads they kill cheap semis and had me short shucking the pump.
Yea those hyper Sonics at great micky gave my mates young fella a couple in his u&o shoulder was black and blue the next day
Well fuck!! I must of been a good foot soldier all those years back. And guess who got a package placed on the back of the ute after milking tonight. New owner of a pump Akkar and a doz decoys.
Might sell the worn out Escorts to the government if the price is right,but the trusty Stirling is sitting by my side.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
make dsure the bastrds cmpensate you for the watties bottle too Dundee -after all it was an accesory of sorts -it did assist with the regular consumption of ducks at dundees. speaking of duckshooting supplies -had a mate pissed off over the ditch with his wife -sick of this socialist utopia. shit a brick got a whole lotta gear free on top of the bloody Qstore i already run!
yup matter of huntin her out preparimng stores packing and BRING IT ON!
Akkar... Turkish gunmaker, yes? Sorry-not-sorry Akkar, I don't intend to give any NZ dollars to supporters of Erdogan - who just threatened NZers with death as revenge for the Aussie import's atrocity.
(Oh yeah - Akkar also arms the police forces of other bastions of gun liberty and individual freedom /sarc = let's hear it for South Africa, Argentina, Venezuela, Bulgaria and Egypt...).
Quote..(like out the ute window for example)
It's not the mountain we conquer,but ourselves.....Sir Edmund Hillary
Nah... not all police forces are run by NorKorea- or Kahill-Klones...
everyone is entitled to their opinion just dont let it come back and bite your spotty arse .BTW-the majority of my postings are in a humourous vein,buuuuut if i do let go Imake bloody sure Ive got the data to back it up.
sitting beside me at the mo is a lot of that which shows in fact aderns gutless paniced actions and the ingratiating reaction of the other common curs willacheive 6 7/8 of SFA.