I'd rather have the embarrassment of going to a foodbank than eat plovers.
I'd rather have the embarrassment of going to a foodbank than eat plovers.
Yeah dirty Aussie bastards. Those plovers aren't much better
One of the few birds in NZ that fly around squawking their arses off at night.
I couldn't see myself eating one, although a mate did give me a roasted pigeon to eat one day. Fiddly bastard to eat
Got a mate that calls them "electric chickens" Never eaten one.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
I wouldn't have considered them good eating,.not desperate enough to try, got to have more meat on them than a quail though.
Nasty little birds, they had a go st me once at a friend's farm when it turned out I was etting close to their nest.
had an outing on ducks once with a clown known to some of us on here . he couldnt shoot for shit skybusting most of the time ,but on the tyrip out suddenly drops his 12g to hip[level and lets a round gointo a bush in front of him-plover disintegrated into a cloud rationale"just proves i can shoot??????????????FMRif it had 1/2a brain it wopuld have been lonely
same clown also bowled a couple of seagulls on another pigeon shoot-when asked why reply"cause i felt like it! didnt like sobriquet "fuckwit" after he equally as calloiusly dumped carcasses in a neighbouring cockies drain. tried our patience once too often -self destructed ,not that it caused us to shed any tears!!
I feed them to the hawks, never considered eating them myself.
I swear the little fuckers can see better at night than rabbits, trying to bowl them over with the .22 and once youre within 100m of them, even with thermals or ir, they start kicking up a stink and walking away.
muzz you carry on like that kotuku
ah no i dont eat crap either if you get my drift.
tho you have to give the tough little astards thier due they can kill hawks with those wing spikes
are you accusing me of acting likehim -Im feeling anything but fucking benevolent at the moment -be warned! My body is sore++++++ so much so Ive struggled to drink 2 x330mlbeers over 5days and Ihurts ++++++to breathe! Not its not the chinee rat flu =2clear tests . I wouldnt wish this fucker on my worst enemey and there a few of those!!
Having eaten seagull as a 5 yr old , u eat what u kill except foxes, anything including rat( army survival course , actually bloody good eating) seagulls are unedible , imagine chicken shit smelling anchovies. I've made a point of not eating things that looks suz
Plover looks suz
Amazingly plucky though defending their nests
The yellow bits are a bit chewy
When hunting think safety first
Deep fried then with sweet and sour sauce.
Seldom enough bits big enough to be worth picking up when you whack them with the .220 Swift.
But night shooting them with a spotlight and shotgun is up there for fun.
take your jandal now cut into half inch cubes - marinate in soya sauce- garlic -chili sauce -hoisin sauce - oyster sauce - chicken stock - now stir fry with seasonal veges - yup better than spur wings