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Thread: Apparently Gamebird shooting is cruel? Raving Vegan??????

  1. #46
    Join Date
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    can you imagine the pest animal increase if all lands were turned to crop farms

  2. #47
    MB is online now
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    Sorry to be off-message with the forum, but I thought it was well understood that meat production requires more land than crop production. The animals have to eat something. Happy to be corrected though.

    MB (definitely not a vegetarian!)

  3. #48
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    Meat and dairy farming does take up more space and resources but provides a lot more protein for the space. I'm not saying organic veg farming is bad, it's great, but if we were to switch to veganism worldwide we would need masses more quinoa, amaranth and black beans etc. to be grown. Usually when a market in those kinds of items expands rapidly what happens is poorer countries that don't have the luxury of making environmentally friendly choices rip up subsistence farmers (and usually rainforests) to sell/lease the land to farming corps. It happened with quinoa in central America where the locals used to live on milk, meat and potatoes from their farms, got paid to mass produce quinoa, it got shipped to vegans in Auckland and the farmers found they had barely enough money to buy their food. Then when that hipster food fad ends they're screwed, the industry leaves, stops paying them all together and they starve for a few years while they convert their family farm back to how they used to operate...if they can.


    It's the dark side of hipster vegan food trends.
    Not to get too haughty but the best way I can think of getting food is getting it yourself. From the garden or the hill. And that's my aim.
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  4. #49
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    hell i only eats spuds and onions as vege. no fruit and no f...ing salad even in a burger
    i am doomed

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by nelpop View Post
    I cant understand why some of you would want to give this poor women a hard time. Isn't it obvious that shes suffering from a meat deficiency.
    She's going to have give herself it cos she ain't a looker.

    Sent from my TA-1024 using Tapatalk

  6. #51
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    Sandra Kyle: All hunting is animal cruelty - NZ Herald

    Just skimmed an old one of hers from 2015. She really, really hates hunters.
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  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reindeer View Post
    This is just a snippet of the drivel being spewed by another of NZME antis. Funnily enough a Waikato Uni Teacher just like NZME Waikato Uni lecturer, sorry firearms expert

    The shooters get up before dawn, don camouflage suits and war paint, trek down to lakes, ponds and rivers, and install themselves in hidden huts called maimai to wait for daylight. When they spot their targets they train powerful firearms on them and blast them out of the sky.

    Just moments before the birds were sleeping peacefully, heads resting gently on their backs. Next to them their lifelong partners, also sleeping peacefully.
    Suddenly their watery refuge is turbulent with panicking family and friends, the air filled with their cries.

    Terrified, they take to the sky in an effort to escape, only to be picked off by shooters who fist pump and whoop in delight when they make a kill.

    There is so much wrong with duck shooting that it is hard to know where to begin, but we could start with sentience.

    By the way you big bag nasty duck shooters, shes a member of safe and they want us banned
    Full Article here
    Sandra Kyle: Duck-shooting is cowardly and cruel - Opinion - NZ Herald News
    dont know who,s maimais she,s bbeen in but blasting from the skys ???
    aint seen to much of that over the last oh 10 years dopey cow.
    she trying to make duck life like a episode of shortland street.
    she,s after your arse massive
    picked off she is dreaming more like the birds are unlucky enough to run into patterns thrown left right behind an occassionaly in front.
    she forgot to add ''they are so crass they eat feasts over the dead carcasses of these fallen heroes of the bird world and toast threr murderous intent''
    lady are you interested in sex and travelling?

  8. #53
    Shootin the breeze.... Survy's Avatar
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    Utter sjw bull paki written by a snowflake who will melt during opening weekend.....
    Grouchy Smurf had it right all along...

  9. #54
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    Name:  rsz_6biie6a.jpg
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    Nuff said, have another blade of grass you meat hating bstards.


  10. #55
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P38 View Post
    Apart from Donald and Daffy

    "Do Ducks recognise family associations and do they have friends?"

    Breeding time here watching the rape as I type! Yep four Mallards on one hen!
    Would that be classed as associates our friends I’d post a pic but that might be a step to far
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  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by P38 View Post

    How do you know this is rape?

    Maybe the one legged Duck is a total slut who is totally into this and has given consent, quack quack!

    Can an animal even understand the concept of Rape?

    Don’t know @P38 ask a Donkey our sheep from the Middle East
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  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lore View Post
    So let's take veganism to it's logical conclusion...

    In their vision of the future there are no more animals being hunted or farmed, so all the arable land would have to be used to grow enough vegetables. That means no more bushland, no wetlands, no river beds, hedgerows or forests. Poorer countries would be made to farm things like kale and the subsistence farmers wouldn't be able to afford the produce they grow, like what happened in Central and South America. Natural habitats would be destroyed, rainforests leveled, rivers polluted, species decimated, severe weather would cause enormous famines and the added industry would destroy the environment locally, then globally.

    When you produce your food by presenting your credit card at an sustainable-organic-free-range-vegan-plastic-free café you apparently get to malign everything else outside your bubble.
    @Lore you hit the nail on the head....just add that when we get to this stage we will have to wipe out all animals as they will be eating our food source hence becoming pests. Thanks but I really like animals not only because there made of meat. If you go to the coal face of conservation you will find that hunters do most of the hard yards and spend the most money on increasing the habitat of there duck ponds and wet lands. Point that out to the next vegan that try’s to convert you. Just ask this question when’s the last time you planted a tree, cleaned a pond built nesting box’s? Oh if you think I’m all talk here’s what I made over the weekend.

    Name:  4A1C31AD-4114-469A-ABF2-C98817CE1FB9.jpeg
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    Them be the four rappers, nesting house above.
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  13. #58
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    Yea Sideshow but the vegan idea of hunting is that these hapless creatures need the protection of brave vegans. Not that they have developed ways of surviving. If you've ever watched Life Below Zero (if not check it out) there was a guy called Glen (I think) who lived alone in the Brookes Range of Alaska with no machinery. One day while he was out hunting he says, "There are no animals that evolved to be food for other animals. Everything out here is trying to survive, even the plants and trees don't want to be eaten." The idea vegoes have is that you walk into a field and shoot into the sky and some cute ducks fall out of the sky ready to eat. Because they don't understand the hours and hours it takes to create a habitat, train a dog, maintain a gun, process meat, hide yourself, have patience and stealth, etc., etc. (neither do I but I'm working on it). And that's not to say anything about the generations that incrementally developed and passed down these tools and skills. Same with all kinds of hunting.

    When you simplify the process to it's grossest terms you can have the luxury of acting as if it's the lowest form of human behavior, not the highest.
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  14. #59
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidmac42 View Post
    The way that animals and birds are treated at the meat works, I would much rather do my own killing.
    There is a prima facie animal welfare case here. Hunters should loudly and publicly oppose abattoirs. That will get the message across.
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  15. #60
    MB is online now
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    I think these campaigns are particularly visceral against hunters because of the perception that we enjoy killing. Common sense arguments about pest control and crop protection fall in deaf ears. They’re not interested, it’s about animal welfare whatever the wider costs.



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