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Thread: Apparently Gamebird shooting is cruel? Raving Vegan??????

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Now this is vegetable abuse !!! (probably underage too)Name:  __f31d698696a05a3f4d495471df207283_width-300.jpeg
Views: 392
Size:  16.9 KB
    P38 and Boaraxa like this.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Your just a bunch of bloody cruel bastards! I don't know how I associate with you! Keep it up guys, I liked the bit about " panicked families" the world is fcuked!!!
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  3. #33
    Member wsm junkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    Attachment 68533
    Attachment 68534
    The mindless shredding of carrot or crushing of garlic being a case in point Reindeer.
    @Admin - can these images be removed, this is blatant sadistic treatment of innocent vegetables at its worst! I can't believe the extremes vegans go to to satisfy their fetish - shocking!
    P38, mikee, Maca49 and 1 others like this.

  4. #34
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Quote Originally Posted by wsm junkie View Post
    @Admin - can these images be removed, this is blatant sadistic treatment of innocent vegetables at its worst! I can't believe the extremes vegans go to to satisfy their fetish - shocking!
    Ha ha ha ha classic piss take.
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  5. #35
    Member nelpop's Avatar
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    I cant understand why some of you would want to give this poor women a hard time. Isn't it obvious that shes suffering from a meat deficiency.

  6. #36
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by nelpop View Post
    I cant understand why some of you would want to give this poor women a hard time. Isn't it obvious that shes suffering from a meat deficiency.
    Sisters are doin it for themselves.
    Maca49 and xtightg like this.

  7. #37
    Member Boaraxa's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Pointer View Post
    Veganism is a disease of the times, and a symptom of affluence. There are millions of starving people in this world who would kill for a feed of duck (or anything) right now.

    I wonder how many vegans would stick to their beliefs in times of hardship? Morals and ethics go out the window when it comes down to survival.
    Last week My eldest daughter 15 declared she was a vegan WTF why I asked she replied that her & her friend had watched 7 youtube clips but declined to show me what ones , im pleased to say after me hassling her all week about those crackpots shes decided just to be a vegetarian now as she likes milk lol...give it another week il dish up some marinaded back steaks
    P38, Pointer, wsm junkie and 4 others like this.

  8. #38
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    The hours I spend out there in the freezing cold,with a few decoys to attract the duck and "hooters" the bitch called the duck caller.I don't shoot alot of ducks but geeze i put the effort in to bag a feed.

    She would be sitting inside in front of a warm fire burning wood eating veges that have been torn out of the dirt,then drowned under a tap. At least I drown my spuds in watties.
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
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    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by keneff View Post
    Ditto. Of COURSE Kylie is a teacher. Writer? Open to opinion, e.g. The ducks 're being shot out of the sky, apparently while sleeping. What the duck? Lifetime partners? Drakes are merciless gang rapists, ducks are sluts. Fact of life, Kylie. Of course, that's no reason for shooting the buggers, but as stated, it's sustainable meat harvest, good protein. Next she'll be accusing us of bloodlust. HMMM - She might be right.
    theres your mistake to keneff like the galacticly stupid mrs kyle your assigning human values to animals that operate via a far longer and far more sensible ,if at times seemingly cruel, system called survival of the fittest aka nature.
    jesus watch a farm the day the rams are put out then she,d really have something to cry about
    do your still hear them Clarisse the cabbages?
    do you still hear the cabbages screaming
    P38 likes this.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    May 2014
    The ear muffs when using the lawn mower are not for the noise of the mower and after running wildly out of control in an orgy of slaughter with the weed eater the ACC bill for my therapy is huge.But I do say a prayer over the compost bin and worm farm.Is it enough to save my soul???
    Picked up a hitch hiker,driving along and here is a half grown possum playing chicken on the highway,lined it up but could feel her unease so let it live.Next thing she wants to stop and try and rescue the fucking thing playing chicken herself.Left her there figured someone else could deal with the fruit loop.
    timattalon and xtightg like this.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Shaky City
    Quote Originally Posted by Boaraxa View Post
    Last week My eldest daughter 15 declared she was a vegan WTF why I asked she replied that her & her friend had watched 7 youtube clips but declined to show me what ones , im pleased to say after me hassling her all week about those crackpots shes decided just to be a vegetarian now as she likes milk lol...give it another week il dish up some marinaded back steaks
    My boy said he was going to be a vegetarian one day while his mum was trying to persuade him to eat his mince (shes vege also). I asked what about steak, bacon and salami. He said those are exceptions to his otherwise vegetarian way of living but he definitely wasn't having any more mince!

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by MassiveAttack View Post
    My boy said he was going to be a vegetarian one day while his mum was trying to persuade him to eat his mince (shes vege also). I asked what about steak, bacon and salami. He said those are exceptions to his otherwise vegetarian way of living but he definitely wasn't having any more mince!
    if it was liver not mince i would understand. apart from spud, kumara and onions i have been pretty much vege free for 40 plus years

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Off to hunt down some cabbages................Name:  89dde386164b5730699efaef0ee16b85.jpg
Views: 454
Size:  101.2 KB
    P38, Dundee and Cordite like this.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    some of those vegeetarians and vegans have the most foul farts you d ever want to inhale.
    I remember one a late mate of mine hooked up with-she hated us shooters (well she was just so easy to take the piss out of),but iremember we had a flat"formal" dinner one night and invited her-during the meal she lifted an arse cheek and let it rumble -we gagged cause it smelt. like sticking ya head in a dead fermenting elephants arse.one mate 10/9 pissed yelled out "ffs grab the serratone on the bathroom walls before its gassed to death."
    dunno why but she walked out into the night with her tittties in a right tangle and never came back.
    general agreement was thank god they hadnt done the lengthwise lambada cause at the point of no return we could have had a major environmental catastrophe on our hands which buggers up good drinking time!!
    anyhow the red indians were dead right -vegetarian -name given piss poor hunter!!-extrapolate that -(massive can i use that term)vegan-extremely retarded vegetarian

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    South Auckland for the now
    So let's take veganism to it's logical conclusion...

    In their vision of the future there are no more animals being hunted or farmed, so all the arable land would have to be used to grow enough vegetables. That means no more bushland, no wetlands, no river beds, hedgerows or forests. Poorer countries would be made to farm things like kale and the subsistence farmers wouldn't be able to afford the produce they grow, like what happened in Central and South America. Natural habitats would be destroyed, rainforests leveled, rivers polluted, species decimated, severe weather would cause enormous famines and the added industry would destroy the environment locally, then globally.

    When you produce your food by presenting your credit card at an sustainable-organic-free-range-vegan-plastic-free café you apparently get to malign everything else outside your bubble.
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