i remember that kotuku that and the five i called the crap out of had them circling closer and closer only to have them almost last on your noggin in the channel
ours usually turn up as soon as kotuku reaches for the thermos and bikkys or i exit for a comfort breakgave a blast on the call my fat brother was in the back of the mai mai on his phone and said can ya see some I said nah its just a seagull blew my cover when I started to laugh while reaching for the gun poor goose went down in a hail of steel and laughter,
which is why now kotuku grips his escort harder every time i look like unzipping me flyor i do the remy when the coffee cups appear,you can almost set your watch by something picking that time to arrive.
retrieving for 2 pozzies quietens him down but i,l take it under advisement that you,d prefer to flounder around in that shitty multi depth channel red will be most upset .,not.GSPF sends Red the dog over to retrieve my bloody bird -cheeky hua!
''fuckin gspf fuckin kotuku fuckin freezin arse no footing channel and this bastard goose aint light either''''if i could drive i,d go home and leave them to it''
i believe this could be the very bird kotuku