Ours fly a bit like valley quail, just a bit slower. Huns are a different bird, and we have some but not many. The Huns are smaller and have more red color. The meat is dark, also. They live on the flats, where chuckar are mountain dwellers. Huns tend to flush wild, all of them at once. They're fast flyers that will fly as a covey for great distances and low to the ground. Central and eastern Montana has good populations of huns along the edges of the coolies near grain fields.
Chuckar are similar to the Spanish red-legged partridge, but they are a little bigger with longer legs.
Hunt with Class and Classics
“I have more promises than a vestal virgin, less time than a parking meter and less results than a sterile sire.”
The Hun, also known as the English Partridge is the Grey Partridge (Perdix perdix)!!! The red legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) is known as the French Partridge...!!!!
The Chukar (Alectoris graeca chukar) was first introduced to New Zealand in 1926, the Bobwhite Quail in 1898, the Brown in 1866, the Californian (Valley) 1865 and the ring necked pheasant in 1842. @luv2safari, we had the pheasant here before you did...March 13, 1881
Epagneul Breton on Chukar, high country, South Island
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...