project on tv3 combover fed farmers headman ''fish and game have given up on canada geese and dont want to manage them''
A] listen up wankshaft you lobbied kate wilkinson to remove them from gamebird status then got her to give you money to slaughter them.
B] Fish and game by statute are only able to spend money to control or advance GAMEBIRDS
fish and games tenure wasnt by any means perfect or even adequate at times and a new co operation is needed but dont go on tv and bullshit your lips off
when geese were under thier perview which geese aREnt anymore cos you whined long and hard to the tories and they did what you wanted.
now you run out government supplied cash and the tax breaks for pest control aint adding up so you want someone else to take over
and after chasin them with planes trains boats and automobiles has made them harder to hunt as has sniping at them from long range you want to now pass the bill on.
you,l never get poison approval cos you aint demonised them enough
birds flappin and dieing in public parks aint possums in the bush
who,d a thunk it huh fed farmers flippin out cos the bill s to high and they got goose massacres masked as management wrong