parries pair up and stayed paired for the most part....if you shoot one,as SS has said,life is ended and the remaining bird will "live to love again",there must be the occasional divorce but it gets hushed up.
I BELIEVE greys stay in their pairs
Mallards however live by the four F mantra
comparing KIWI mallards to American mallards is dumb...nest predation over there has snakes n coyotes to take into account compared to our mustilids and cats which they also have....
there has been ooodles of research over the years about greylards...grey mallard crosses/crossing it appears to be contrary to what you would think...its actually grey drakes pairing with mallard hens that produce the most offspring...MAYBE because dad sticks around to help out...unlike the hen who is woed by the shiney green head who has his wicked way,often in a right royal gangbang session with his buddies then buggers off to find next hen,leaving hen with fertilized eggs and NO HELP at all.
Ive seen mallard gangbanging mobs chase hen away from her brood (dont care if she has headache or not in mood) the ducklings were out in open paddock with no help at all and hawks got stuck in while Mum was trying to get away from drakes
the absolute worst Ive seen was a road killed hen on grass verge outside our yard...DRAKES kept visiting for 3 days till ground was muddy all around her by now cold carcass.....I did nt actually see any necrophilia happen but hen was looking rather worse for wear as days progressed.