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Thread: Eastern F&G Ballot holders to be charged a "maintenance" fee

  1. #16
    Member Lentil's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bonecrusher View Post
    I think Eastern have just looked over the Kaimai's at Waikato F & G ballot system and followed that nothing new in what they propose, the issue with the Council make up in Eastern is that most of the Councillors aren't active duck shooters majority fish only so hence lead by the nose so to speak
    That is why I always vote, and I pick out the waterfowl/upland game enthusiasts - otherwise they may as well call it "Fish and Fish", as the trout licence fee generates most of their income, so gets the most of the attention.
    Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion

  2. #17
    Gone but not forgotten Gapped axe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonecrusher View Post
    "Bonecrusher" was a race horse my nickname is horse / hoss so why not be the best horse that ever ran around a race track.
    Over the thirty years that I have shot includes the Manawatu, Canterbury, Eastern + at least two other area's I have only ever been checked the once ;-) I'm always legal buy my license and spend fair too many dollars on gear every season my girls reckon I'm the ultimate consumer
    No quick sand in the area I shoot at Aniwhenua Gapped Axe just a 400 metre wade in with the waders on float the deeks in on a plastic sledge mate
    I know you shoot Aniwhenua , as I did for 15yrs above Rabbit bridge. I used to range Aniwhenua, but after getting stuck in quicksand on the true left below the bridge ,I vowed never again
    "ars longa, vita brevis"

  3. #18
    Member Bonecrusher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gapped axe View Post
    I know you shoot Aniwhenua , as I did for 15yrs above Rabbit bridge. I used to range Aniwhenua, but after getting stuck in quicksand on the true left below the bridge ,I vowed never again
    Big flood has cleaned it out now :-)

  4. #19
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    Bonecrusher won the Melbourne Cup, didn't he?

    I have only ever had my licence checked twice by rangers ... both were very pleasant to talk to ...
    Last edited by EeeBees; 17-10-2017 at 05:55 PM.
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  5. #20
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonecrusher View Post
    No mate read the minutes for Easter F & G ...... DOC hardly attends meetings have minimal contact with F & G
    Good riddance to DoC. At one ERFG meeting I attended there was a DoC "observer" present. He referred to trout as Possums of the Waterways. The guys would'nt let me follow him outside after that meeting.
    EeeBees and gsp follower like this.

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    Good riddance to DoC. At one ERFG meeting I attended there was a DoC "observer" present. He referred to trout as Possums of the Waterways. The guys would'nt let me follow him outside after that meeting.
    did he have a bird and sandals and introduce himself in maori

    theres something deeply troubling about easterns direction.
    they were the 1st and only region to think a wild hen limit for pheasant was a good idea??
    they poke thier noses into hb ,s finances including accounts,
    they were among the 1st to try to legitimize payed put and take ducks.
    thier were rumours of a merger ??
    is eastern run that well that it is an example to the rest of the country??
    i think not otherwise why the revenue gather from people who already pay a licence and a 40% markup and 15% tax on everything the buy for thier sport.
    is it a flat rate theyre going to charge or is it divided amongst the multiple ,if there are multiple ballot holders.??

  7. #22
    Member Lentil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EeeBees View Post
    Bonecrusher won the Melbourne Cup, didn't he?

    I have only ever had my licence checked twice by rangers ... both were very pleasant to talk to ...
    Most rangers who has been to our balloted stands have been very good. A couple were obviously more fish than game, and I had to correct them on whether the birds were hens or drakes. However, they have all been pleasant enough guys, and I'm damned if I would want to be checking licences on Opening Day!
    EeeBees and gsp follower like this.
    Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion

  8. #23
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lentil View Post
    Most rangers who has been to our balloted stands have been very good. A couple were obviously more fish than game, and I had to correct them on whether the birds were hens or drakes. However, they have all been pleasant enough guys, and I'm damned if I would want to be checking licences on Opening Day!
    I have no problem with rangers even know a couple most are part time volunteers.
    Haven't seen bugger all of them but...?
    I've asked eastern about the charge amount how it will be split if theres multiple ballot holders on one stand .
    Let's see what they say.

  9. #24
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    got the email reply which says basicly each person registered at the stand will pay either 30 or 40 bucks.
    The tone is pay up or piss off ,lovely.
    Soon as I figure out how or find somone else to do it I,l post it
    be aware the replier to the email reckons lots of other regions are considering the charge??

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Regarding your query about reserve
    contribution fees, I attach the paper that was presented to
    Councilor's (Eastern Region F&G) for consideration at
    the 2017 August meeting - which they accepted. This paper
    explains most of the details, and clearly states that the
    ballot holders will still be responsible for their own
    maimai / stand maintenance. This contribution will be for [HERE,S A NOVEL CONCEPT TAKE IT OF THE 100 BUKS A YEAR YOU ALREADY GET OF GAMEBIRD HUNTERS???]
    wetland habitat* - e.g. Spraying pest plants, track
    upgrades etc. Please appreciate that we are struggling to
    keep up with wetlands that are perched and massive influxes
    of pest plants blocking water ways and invading pon
    ds. We
    also have to seriously take into consideration Health &
    Safety requirements placed upon us.

    At this stage, it is proposed that all
    ballot holders be charged this fee - not stands. Therefore
    each ballot hunter will be charged at time of ballot [ SO YOU ARE NOW UP FOR 130 T0 140 BUKS BEFORE YOU EVEN GET TO YOUR POZZIE??]
    application or re-confirmation. Most stands have two hunters
    so two fees will be charged in this example. Although not
    finalised we estimate this annual contribution fee to be
    around the $30 - $40 mark, at current spray, pay and vehicle

    The fee will be payable to Eastern
    Region Fish & Game, with a dedicated account for these
    funds. These funds will be exclusively for balloted reserves
    maintenance only.* As we are annually audited, very
    close and accurate accountability will be made of these
    funds. As I am the reserves field officer, initially I will
    be accountable for where these funds are directed
    decisions will be made in conjunction with our habitat team,
    involving Matt McDougall who manages the ballots and
    waterfowl bird expert, Eben Herbert who is our legal person,
    Nigel Simpson who does most of the ground work, and Andy
    Garrick the manager. Obviously not every reserve will see
    the funds spent on it initially as some need more work than
    others first.

    As for your comment about this being
    cheeky;* Firstly one may wish to consider what
    those* licence holders get that don't use the reserves
    in comparison to those who hold ballots; and secondly one
    may wish to consider that our hunting season is actually
    four months if you hunt other game birds (not just
    mallards)(i.e. pheasants, quail, swans and Pukeko) .[ MMM MAI MAI HUNTING FOR PHEASANTS AND QUAIL WOW HOW MANY PEOPLE EVEN BOTHER WITH SWAN??]

    This proposal was seriously discussed
    and is a measured cost that we must endure to have effective
    breeding, rearing and hunting habitat within our region. The
    remnant wetlands we have in our region are only a fraction
    of what was once there and we need to effectively manage
    them for sustainability of waterfowl hunting into the
    future. As stated this is also a problem that other Fish [,MMM FISH EELS AND BAIT GROW IN WETLANDS ???}
    & Game regions are experiencing and similar methods of
    fund contributions are being considered in these regions

    Ultimately, we hope most ballot holders
    see this as a small cost of their recreation, similar to a
    tank of gas which would normally be the cost of doing a
    day's travel to their reserve stand to undertake these
    works. And if current ballot holders aren't happy they can [SO PAY UP OR PISS OFF EASTERN VOTERS YOU MUST BE SO PROUD??]
    approach the elected Council to raise their concerns, or
    alternatively not enter the ballot process and find other
    places to hunt.

    I hope the attached paper and above
    comments detail sufficient information to answer your
    questions, and if not feel free to give me a call.


    John Meikle
    Fish & Game Officer
    New Zealand Fish & Game – Eastern
    T********* 07 357 5501
    M*********021 375 480

    1130 Paradise Valley Road, Rotorua
    Private Bag 3010, Rotorua 3046

    here we go
    Last edited by gsp follower; 16-11-2017 at 04:33 PM.

  11. #26
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    I estimate that over half of any money collected will be spent on the administration needed for this and then the health and safety component needs to be factored in. What about promising to pull out some weeds every time you go it would probably be more productive.

  12. #27
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    Quote Originally Posted by gsp follower View Post
    they poke thier noses into hb ,s finances including accounts,
    and how did they do that?? because NO ONE STOPPED THEM ...
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  13. #28
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    What a patronizing, pompous diatribe ... fair go ... how thick do these people think the rest of us are ... quote ... Nigel Simpson who does most of the ground work so where are the students ...????
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  14. #29
    Member Lentil's Avatar
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    I sent an email to Eastern Fish & Game outlining my concerns, and asking for my email to be tabled at the next meeting. So far, I have not had any response, so I can only assume they received my email. Just a basic acknowledgement would have been appropriate!
    Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion

  15. #30
    Gone but not forgotten Gapped axe's Avatar
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    Lake Tarawera
    John Meikle one guy that doesn't impress me
    Danny likes this.
    "ars longa, vita brevis"



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