i have aset aside for me in a local shop. higdon motin full body feeders. they retail for 229 a 6pack, hes giving me 25% off
, $175 for 6, thats under 30 each.
i dint think thats to bad, concidering the freigt from the us
i have aset aside for me in a local shop. higdon motin full body feeders. they retail for 229 a 6pack, hes giving me 25% off
, $175 for 6, thats under 30 each.
i dint think thats to bad, concidering the freigt from the us
Would there be any chance of getting the same deal ? sounds pretty good to me, would like to collect a few good ones before it all sparks up again.
Whereabouts are you skeet72 ?
Cheers, Red.
not mallards ,but these are my parrie decoys in full body, shell and FUD's
will be using a similar set up in mallards this year
the shells and full bodies are Higdon
go to any small sports shop, that wont mind helping you out and ask iff they have stock left over from the season.
thats what i did.
dundee knows who i am, i just moved back to palmerston north
mine look like the parrys but mallards
skeet do yours have a wobble head or the ones you fix into place
mine are the wobbels, so could be clased as shells
Mine showed up in time for christmas
Also got a few geese too , Very impressed
that harvester pack looks good
They look primo alright126 days too go