I just look upon it as another tax. If you pay it you get to keep your hunting stuff.
If you don't pay it and are unfortunate enough to bump into a ranger then someone else gets your stuff and you might have to make another donation
As far as I can tell you don't get much other value for it (in our region at least)
That is not to say there is no value Game-bird hunting however I don't see why F&G can't be honest and just call it a Game-bird Tax
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
Actually not a bad idea. I dont do much in the way of goose shooting but I will get of my ass and give it more time. I will be doing my bit for the mallard population by leaving/not targeting them.
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
I will pay it happily. $90 is pretty cheap for 3 months entertainment. Other options hunt tahr $70 petrol per trip, snowboarding $95 lift pass $70 petrol per trip. So pretty cheap really. Fuck knows what they do with the money though
Here at Eastern F&G area we have 4 weeks and a 10 bird limit (ducks). My son and I have a week off work for the first week, and have a lot of fun. My possie is an hour away, so it means 2hrs travel each day and an early start. I tend to do more filming than shooting these days, but the time spent is priceless in my book. We also have some great pheasant hunting, and with the odd deer trip chucked in, life is pretty good.!!
Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion
You make some good points Tussock, but without a unified voice, we duck hunters would probably face a huge task keeping the anti-hunters from closing down the sport. Some of the licence fee also goes to wetland preservation ( I believe the duck stamp funds are for this).
Everyone is entitled to their own stupid opinion
I think you are talking shite Tussock$90 is a tiny amount considering the quality of hunting available here. When you say "ditch F&G" do you mean ditch their entire management of gamebirds? I think you'd find there would be a ton LESS birds about after farmers had delt to them with poison on their paddocks and crop. I've seen it before geese were dropped and a lot more after they were dropped. F&G does a fine job.
I call BS. The only thing I've seen f&g do down here turned into a complete fuckup, go for a drive down the flood free when you're in Dunners next. It's the bit at this end that has less ducks now than it ever had, and that's after f&g spent a fortune making it 'better'.
Tui ad that.
Did you not just answer your own question, They protect ducks.
How would duck numbers "go up considerably" if they aren't protected? They would be poisoned and shot in large numbers year round by farmers with a problem with them. Would wapiti number increase considerably if it was open slather? or would they be gunned down by waro and hounded by foot hunters?
I'm not sure where you got anti-hunting from.
You act as though hunters are the only ones that affect duck numbers....
So if everyone quits hunting as you say, and numbers build really high and hammer farmers paddocks and they have no one to call to help out what happens then?
You're talking all this about what you THINK would happen but I have SEEN what happens. There's a big difference.
The Tahr are classic examples of animals needing protection to save them.They would gone if there was no rules to keep the choppers in check. It's not foot hunters we have to worry about in nz.
Oh well, You can quit, more for the people willing to put in the hard yards. I'll back F&G still.
And I'm pretty sure the dead birds I saw poisoned by a farmer did happen.
Last edited by K95; 26-04-2013 at 10:14 PM.
It's a shame you don't have an awesome group of mates to shoot opening morning with.. I mean the type that wouldn't let you quit and that you had a couple of nice ponds with nice Mai Mai's you d built together. Then no doubt you d look forward to it , enjoy the company , the shooting and being round like minded people. Forget the fees and the bullshit etc at the end of the day I reckon for most of us it's the same as being in the bush out there doin it with great mates .. More to it than just costs. Do you reckon you d be chucking it in if the above was true ?