Bring it on !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {Farmers} ,ducks ,pests they are all controlled by the hunter
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
Yeah cant wait 4 the dundee boys to full the freezer up with yummy duck lol.
Stock up on the sauce there mrs dundee.
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
It is legislation and tradition set up long before Fish and Game arrived on the scene that protects gamebirds. From a time when duckshooting was a not only a highly gregarious community event but an activity generally governed by rules based around a sporting culture- this has been eroded under F&G as an advocacy body (rather than a management body).
Generic season lengths and limits could be set by F&G's "supervisor" DoC, which is really very similar to what is actually happening now. I would happily have my $90 gamebird tax go towards back country hut and track maintenance. I would consider that benificial.
There is very few cockies that will poison birds for the hell of it. If it happens it is for reason of mismanagement. Most duckshooters I know are cockies, many passionate about ducks, many spending alot of time on habitat- Yet cast as villans?
Looking at geese Tussock has a valid point. If geese stay off regional pest management strategies then the current goose situation is great for :-
F&G- no cost, no work, no loss of revenue (most goose hunters still shoot ducks)
Retail Sector- No limitations- 12 month sales potential
Hunters- can hunt geese and buy gear 12 months of the year
Farmers mostly tolerate (in some cases) heafty production losses for the benifit of all of the above- despite the poor perception of the rural community F&G forces on hunters and the wider public.
Could the goose model work as well for other birds? There's still geese, still rabbits, still possums and deer all despite the gazillions spent on eradication.
I will be buying a license as I am deeply passionate about ducks and wetlands. Tussocks sentiment has wheels which F&G might pay some attention to.
thats the fuckin spirit become part of the problem rather than the solutionIt already happened man. I already quit.
So it's no skin off my nose how it pans out.
theres no one more pissed off at the mo than me at what ecans done to fuck our opening .but not hunt opening day ?not buy a licence ??id sooner listen to the mom inlaws stories of the old days of knitting than not go out or go out illegally.
we adapt and overcome improvise even. we,re kiwis after all not fuckin moanin poms or annoying twangy auzzies''cup of tea darl'''
we dont just say fuck it i quit we bitch , cajole ,subvert ,work and eventually get want we want![]()
Go GSP follower...we cannot quit...I want to see some real research done by the powers that be rather than formuli being based on hearsay...I cannot understand why they do not empower we the shooters out here to be part of privy to so called research...we have the manpower/girlpower on the ground both during the season and after and befroe...give us OWNERSHIP OF OUR SPORT...I keep thinking on the woodcock fanatics in both Europe and the Americas...they are the people who KNOW MORE ABOUT THEIR BIRD than anyone.
If you lie down and roll over, someone will step on you to step over you...
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...
Usually you have quite intelligent things to say tussock but your theory of make ducks a pest to increase numbers is a bit of a joke, you must be joking right?
If you can give me an example of how making an introduced animal a pest has "increased numbers" i would be all ears.
F&G do a job, they kill thousands of pests each year, give grants to farms all over the place to build wetlands and protect our game birds. They are always going to be doing the wrong thing in someones eyes and to be honest are fighting a pretty hard battle.
So what if there is no public access tp the ponds or wetlands they fund, the idea is that they will have a positive effect for the whole area.
Im coming down to rakaia area for duckshooting as the regs and duck numbers in my area of waikato means opening is pretty poor, I would rather give the ducks up here a chance and come shoot those big fat maize feed birds!!
Each region of the country is obviously very different when it comes to f&g so maybe it is different down there. I will soon find out![]()
fuck off hairy legsIm coming down to rakaia area for duckshooting as the regs and duck numbers in my area of waikato means opening is pretty poor, I would rather give the ducks up here a chance and come shoot those big fat maize feed birds!ive tagged my ducks and yes my names on them before you ask
and i,l be checking no immigrent interlopers try and smuggle any back across the border to
oughta have bloody customs officers checkin who come.s off those ferries
Ducks wont no what hit em when us north islsnders arrive!! Bad luck to anyone shooting on Ellesmere cause we will be pulling ducks in from all directions
Where abouts are you going to be gsp follower? Good luck mate