being a shelduck (a member of the goose family ),mr parrie is not as dumb as some make out .anyone reading old books on deercvullers etc willread of the frustrations of cullers inadvertently stumbling across parries who then took on the task of warning all game within cooee of their presence ,usually with a angrily fired 174gn .303 slug whistling past their arse feathers. shooting thnem with a centrefire WTF-given the price and scarcity of ammo its a bloody waste and Of course under F&Glaws its blatantly illegal let alone highly dangerous.a .22slug wil travel in excess of a mile ,a centrefire at miminmum double that .paddocks stock ,barns ,humans houses schools etcetc do you as the shooter know whats behind when you fire that shot.FFS earlier this w eek a canada culling operation at waikanae went tits up with shot hitting a dwelling -do we need more adverse publicity for our sport???????oh its just a joke was it -piss poor joke IMHO.
Anyone shooting it woth all this rain. Wouldn't mind haven't had time to scout a place