how many closed fists with your thumb sticking out can you put on those patterns without touching a pellet hole......thats the size n shape of mallards important bits. amazing what a different load can do to a pattern....
how many closed fists with your thumb sticking out can you put on those patterns without touching a pellet hole......thats the size n shape of mallards important bits. amazing what a different load can do to a pattern....
I usually shoot cylinder first thing opening morning when birds are uneducated then modified after mid morning as shots get further out and birds become decoy and call shy,perils of public water hunting I guess.
similar thoughts here....but 1/4 and half. switch back for that last magic 1/2 hour of light when if you can see it its generaly in range.
Ive played with light n fast loads in the 12ga...we killed ducks without fuss with 1oz and 7/8th oz loads...kept speed to around the 1500 fps mark.... the recoil was stuff all but man are those ASteel load LOUD!!!!