Anyone seen come across nests, eggs, hatchings, chicks???
Reports, Updates, Photos???!!!
Anyone seen come across nests, eggs, hatchings, chicks???
Reports, Updates, Photos???!!!
Got a few pheasants round my place - just created a birdlife haven by killing predators for several years no rats, possums and cats really works but I do know there is a weasel round that I cant catch
I havent seen any chicks yet but must be close
I nearly stood on a nest on Sunday about half meter from her she frightened the daylights out of me when she took off had a quick look seven eggs hope she comes back usually they do
I was working round the patch one day last week about 750m up a drive in and out worked on about 1ha of ground saw 24 roosters and seven hens for the day without even trying that tells you what all the hens are doing nesting
Roosters are flat out crowing all day doing their singing and dancing routine lovely to watch
Saw one big rooster yesterday that owns a patch of the bush line near where I was working chased off another rooster several times he had a couple of hens with him they are quite territorial he was in and out of the bush all day spots me and he runs back in then ten minutes later he is back out performing again
Havent seen any quail chicks but quite a few families around groups of maybe ten this guy came and sat on a ponga in the garden yesterday about 5m away - he is the watcher - has his family all round feeding
I am hoping for a population boom this year so many quail and pheasants around
Nice work...
I haven't been out since start of august to check out the places around Auckland.
Went to Piha for the weekend to do some fishing of the rocks, took a drive up the road towards the end of the beach. heard few pheasant calls middle of Sunday with half the Auckland people out sight seeing on the beach. Obviously cocks don't mind it....
No good me telling you guys how to suck eggs cause I am just a learner on pheasants and quail never shot one in my life
Used to be a duck hunter shot more than my share but then lost the urge to kill birds - but I still shoot deer
I have a 30 acre retreat in the BOP 50/50 bush and grazing land fenced off the bush and reverting more to native I spend a bit of time tending to 2000 new native trees I go there a few days each week
So I spend time around their patch and where they used to always fly now they often slope off along the ground
The property has a large area of bush around it and neighbours are also into predator control the bird numbers in general are amazing
Although I dont shoot it is my hope that the birds we are breeding will disperse all round the district for the benefit of hunters
I have always heard pheasants crowing but not often seen them now I almost always see some of them singing and dancing like in this clip (not mine) I guess they are just putting on a show for the hens and probably sending an alarm about me being on their patch - Ring Necked Pheasant - YouTube
Speaking of the devils just drove home from work. Akoranga Drive SH1 off-ramp in Takapuna-Auckland I found this...
Suprised to see birds in such a populated area in almost central Auckland, and when I do see them they are usually run over...
When I was at the mankau super clinic I heard 3 different cocks crowing in the land next to the car park. Maybe you could run your dogs in there for practise?
Where they have cut the pines above my place there are now cock birds everywhere...haven't seen a hen for a while...must all be on the nests.
Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.
Hens around my place have gone to ground, must be on eggs. Cocks are everywhere, some with broken tails so must have been scrapping.
the Calis up the road are pairing off, won't be long before you see a whole pile of bumblebees on stilts following mum
My brownies here aren't laying yet but they can be funny. Here's hoping!
Heard yesterday of an incident where a KW stopped for allow a duck with her ducklings cross the road; in the end three KWs were lined up waiting!! The informant third truck in the row, is a great duck man!!
...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...
...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...