And the meat she buys from the supermarket...does she think the animals all died of old age? Give me a break, lady! I used to work in the same organisation as her..she was known as coming from the Planet Christine...just saying.
And the meat she buys from the supermarket...does she think the animals all died of old age? Give me a break, lady! I used to work in the same organisation as her..she was known as coming from the Planet Christine...just saying.
She's full of shit, stug will be correct as to the reason for the injury count.
You notice she continuously calls it duck shooting but Fish and Game along with numerous others have for awhile now tried to change the term to duck or better still, Game bird Hunting.
I've mooted this change of term for the last coupe of years and believe it's some thing we should embrace.
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
That’s a good idea @jakewire
You just need something that rolls off the tongue as easily.....with out shooting in the title!
Bird season
Wing hunting season
Flighting season
Wing Harvesting
Not really very good but maybe you guys have a better idea![]()
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
im a strict traditionalist and personally having weathered crap thrown at us by these know all bastards Im just the one to flip em the bird!!
Hi @Tertle, I will concede that yes she is wearing a helmet and thus obeying the lay in that respect. However, she is not wearing it correctly or in a manner that prevent injury if she was to come off. It is not illegal to wear a helmet incorrectly, in the same way it is not illegal to be a proper dumb arse.....Most impacts are onto the face / forehead as that bit is at the front and in the direction of travel this part is most likely to get walloped.
I would also point out that a significant head trauma could explain her clear lack of simple cognitive thinking......(though to be clear I would never ever wish this upon anyone. )
What an ignorant slag. Clearly the World Animal Protection New Zealand doesnt pride itself on factual information, but used "feel good" information instead.
This whole article can be torn to pieces in seconds, no real research has been done.
Straight out lies.On average, around 1000 people a year are injured in hunting accidents, sometimes requiring search and rescue operations and hospitalisation of affected people.
Provides no evidence of this occurring.Other birds can be killed accidentally as hunters fail to correctly identify their targets.
Straight out lies, I dont believe it does "encultures them to violent mistreatment and disregard for animals".Often children accompany adults in hunts, which encultures them to violent mistreatment and disregard for animals - a practice in New Zealand that has raised concern around the world. Duck shooting and hunting are practices that are bad for birds, the environment, and society.
Duck shooting is not bad for the environment, in fact it protects it.
Duck shooting is not bad for society, it has little to no effect on it.
There is no proof of any of this.
Maybe the stupid woman doesnt eat anything, yet something has made her fucking arse that big. Doesnt every living thing have a genuine need for food?Unless there is a genuine and substantiated need for food, this argument is unconvincing.
So she has finished being a career university student, and is now trying to be noticed by joining as many lefty/greeny groups as she can and making false articles. Another fucking narcissist, it wouldnt surprise me if she is mates with hera cook and the horse.
@timattalon lol, don’t mind me, being a bit precious, cranky only have wait one more week for surgery on back!
I went and read some of her other opinion pieces, emotive, bias and lacking in any substance, but that’s the inherent beauty of an opinion piece, opinion! And why would you ruin a good rant by including something as ludicrous as facts
I somewhat got the feeling she was appealing for recognition amongst her own peers, rather than someone putting forward a reasoned proposition for debate, almost as if waiving a flag babbling “look at me Hera, look at me”!
But, that’s just my opinion
@Tertle, all the best for the upcoming surgery. Did you manage to find enough reading material? Think you where interested in a geol textbook at one point?
Those who live in glass houses, shouldn't piss off Geologists.
Good lord yes, save me being a cranky prick at 137 am and reading the forum!!! How ironic I was up to 4am listening to podcasts about the Kensington stone and a geologists interpretation to age of the stone........I’ve also got Larry hancocks “someone would have talked” but I’ve had an idea I should use my super powers of cranky and write to the author of that opinion piece and correct her assumptions and offer a counter narrative!