I'm sure Mr O'Leary will fully investigate, hopefully along with police and forensic scientists independent of DoC , Media or extreme greens. The truth will be interesting.
From the email sent out to all NZDA members, Bill O'Leary has conceded that a Department of Conservation investigation will determine that the birds were killed by a member or members of the association.
Im reading from this, that the guilty party/s has already been man enough and admitted fault and unless Bill just bought a jumbo box of tin foil it's not saying DOC is going to push NZDA under the bus regardless.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
Yes, I see what you mean kiwijames. however, I will reserve judgement until I know for sure NZDA hunters have admitted the killings. birds which have transmitters fitted and regularly get handled by humans get stressed and mortality is not uncommon as a result. At present the information available to us (the public) is far too vague to draw a proper conclusion.
In saying this; if it is properly established that NZDA persons DID kill those birds, then I will feel deep regrets for NZDA. But the loss of those birds is a sad thing for all NZ, regardless of cause.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
If this mortality is the case, then have they or not confirmed whether the birds were shot or simply found dead? Would the noise of shotguns be enough to stress them out to a fatal extent? Autopsies? If this is the case then perhaps they will need to consider a more delicate approach to pukeko control...
The truth will be buried! God I'm a cynical bastard, I must change my mind set, I must change my mine set, I must change my mine set..........hahahahahahaha
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Woody, do you think they were shot from a grassy knoll, or book depository? >winkyface<
Oh, undoubtably a co-operative effort old chap![]()
Possibly shot from a helicopter bucket stained green!
Don't forget the Kiwi's killed on Little barrier Island which DoC conveniently omitted to report until weeks later when a weed spraying crew found them.
Or the penguins poisoned with brodifacoum in the gulf.
Or the fallow herds at Wakatipu and the Blue Mountains
Or Zealandia poisoning the Karori with Derris dust to kill the brown trout (and everything else), with DoC's blessing.
Or the thousands of Weka and Ruru wiped out
Or the rat plagues that occur after 1080 drops
Or the imminent 1080drop by TB Free and DoC over the Whirinaki Forest park, where there are no farms.
Pollution of rivers with poisoned rotting carcasses
etc etc etc
I don't blame you. be careful though cos I'm a 1080 terrorist "person of interest". Buggered if I know why though![]()