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Thread: Is that a pukeko or a Takahe Oooops!

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  1. #1
    Gone But Not Forgotten Toby's Avatar
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    Wouldn't you like to know
    Causally give you a like for agreeing with me
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Doinit, don't think the media shot the birds!!! I think, yes I do work for the media TV in particular, and why does everyone blame the media for just reporting a story?
    And yes in this case a good story of another failed DOC escapade. I know you can 'spin' it many ways but the actual facts are just that, DOC employees, contractors, friends, whatever shot those birds under their guidance.
    I just hope some one, maybe twig & tweet brigade and their multitude of Wellington lobbyists will take to court. Cannot see to much difference between this and Sonny Tau myself.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sonny didn't accidentally put the birds in his pocket, he had intent, whereas DOC and NZDA have admitted it was a mistake.

    What hasn't been released by both parties yet is the experience of the shooters involved for the environment that was required, however NZDA did state they've worked successfully with DOC for years on pest eradication. Just not this time.
    Gapped axe and Tommy like this.

  4. #4
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Way East of D'Vagas
    Warning graphic image below

    Name:  picture 6517.jpg
Views: 478
Size:  164.5 KB
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    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dundee View Post
    Warning graphic image below

    Attachment 39991
    It looks rooted; BUT there's no holes in it mate!
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  6. #6
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    Or funding dries up. If money is the only thing keeping these creatures alive, then we have already failed
    veitnamcam, EeeBees, Toby and 1 others like this.

  7. #7
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    past the gum trees on your left
    What is the figure per kakapo...80,000NZD ???? not sure...

    Pointer wrote...
    I know the above statement has probably offended every kiwi who reads this so I may as well go balls deep.

    sure does not offend me...logic...curious commodity logic, isn't it...spur wing plover, just about as dangerous to eggs and chicks of other species as the pukeko, stoat, ferret, feral cat...anyone done a population survey on our gorgeous Banded Dotterel lately...godwits/snipe etc illegal to shoot them here yet those very same birds that migrate to and from here are mist netted by the ton in the Northern Hemisphere...still, we cannot beat good old Tasmania...green twats are encouraging people to adopt a fox kit...go figure...
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  8. #8
    Gold member Pointer's Avatar
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    Imagine a push to outlaw cat ownership in NZ! Completely sensible but it will never happen, there is no money in it to justify the hearts and minds campaign they would have to use to push the idea.

    At risk of going against the foundation rules of the forum, I will brush on the political nature of conservation.

    Anyone who thinks that buckets of green pellets blanketing the countryside from above is in the name of conservation is kidding themselves. It's a multimillion dollar industry. Lucrative. And regardless of if the greenies think so, so is conservation. Using tax payers money (ie. yours) to sell you a concept 'for the countries good' is Macheavallian in its splendour. They very facts they spout, the ones I have quoted above, also outline that they will never succeed, but will make you feel bad about it! Brilliance.

    Anyway rant over. I'm beginning to sound like Tussock
    Last edited by Pointer; 24-08-2015 at 08:27 PM.
    Grim, veitnamcam, EeeBees and 6 others like this.

  9. #9
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pointer View Post
    Imagine a push to outlaw cat ownership in NZ!
    heyheyhey now I wont take that too personally but you have to admit that Dogs get quite a few Kiwi

  10. #10
    GSP is offline
    Member GSP's Avatar
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    Mine have never got a Kiwi. GSP was looking into a grass clump that was making a funny noise when out walked a Weka and pecked it on the nose. Weka walked back into the grass clump. Dog had a look of "what just happened?"
    EeeBees, Munsey, Pengy and 1 others like this.

  11. #11
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    Let's change the flag and start afresh, rewind the speedo to nought as to speak, start again with a clean slate! And we'd still take the same road! I thinker we are screwed!
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  12. #12
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    Jun 2014
    The changes of government structure of the public service in the eighties coincided with the then fashionable yuppie attitudes in corporates to "restructure". This process transferred power from practical management to management by bean counters and cloistered academic theorists and their inexperienced newly university brainwashed disciples, highly qualified and officially recognised as PC compliant, and therefore eminently suited to the "new' workforce management structures.

    We lost the NZ Forest Service, DSIR, FRI, NZED, MOW, Internal Affairs, Acclimatisation Societies to the current self serving bureaucracies which serve themselves and fluffy feel-good twerps and Ministers who rely on advice from the academics rather than practical experienced manager. DoC and Regional Councils are classic examples of duplicitous burdensome blights on the reality , now buried, of the public common-sense and democratic process.

    This takahe balls-up is symptomatic of the aftermath.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Christchuch New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    The changes of government structure of the public service in the eighties coincided with the then fashionable yuppie attitudes in corporates to "restructure". This process transferred power from practical management to management by bean counters and cloistered academic theorists and their inexperienced newly university brainwashed disciples, highly qualified and officially recognised as PC compliant, and therefore eminently suited to the "new' workforce management structures.

    We lost the NZ Forest Service, DSIR, FRI, NZED, MOW, Internal Affairs, Acclimatisation Societies to the current self serving bureaucracies which serve themselves and fluffy feel-good twerps and Ministers who rely on advice from the academics rather than practical experienced manager. DoC and Regional Councils are classic examples of duplicitous burdensome blights on the reality , now buried, of the public common-sense and democratic process.

    This takahe balls-up is symptomatic of the aftermath.
    Well put.

  14. #14
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    Jun 2014
    Trouble is, we have government Ministers (and shadow Ministers) who in the main lack expertise in the portfolios they are responsible for. This means that moulding civil servants under God-knows-what influences become the advisors to the Minister's as "experts' while the public are relegated to ineffective, expensive emasculating "submissions processes". Result? Erosion of the NZ traditional ethos, and control of NZ by bean counters (BANKS) with little or no regard for hunters and fishermen's values, let alone what we all used to know as Moral Fibre and the "Fair Go".

    Find me an honest political party please.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Trouble is, we have government Ministers (and shadow Ministers) who in the main lack expertise in the portfolios they are responsible for
    not only expertise but empathy because they know whatever happens they,re well off enough to piss off somewhere else or be guarenteed a cushy job for life by thier own govt mates or party supporters/funders. By the time the dairy fall off bites next year and the sneaky rape of more soe,s assets is realised the true incompetence and duplicitous betrayal of this country, by those who claim to love it as we do,may be to far gone to fix.
    they even sdmitted theyve only spent 16,5 billion on the earthquake recovery so far they had 10 billion owing when they got in now we are upto 70 billion in debt with more planned borrowing ???
    the list of incompetent/puppet ministers is unbelievable, guy, parata, tolley, lotuinga, smith,woodhouse, bridges, english. and that dont include the members kicked out for fraud or misbehavior.??
    [QUOTE]Woody, we have gone through easy times, and so we just lost interest in democracy. [/QUOTE]
    yep and replaced with foccussing on our own self interest and begrudging groups who got any money, even if it was redresss, from the govt, to the detriment of our whole country
    Last edited by gsp follower; 26-08-2015 at 06:47 PM.
    Woody likes this.



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