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Thread: Is that a pukeko or a Takahe Oooops!

  1. #106
    Member EeeBees's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    past the gum trees on your left
    Now there are kea being damaged...oh dear...
    ...amitie, respect mutuel et amour...

    ...le beau et le bon, cela rime avec Breton!...

  2. #107
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    Way East of D'Vagas
    Quote Originally Posted by EeeBees View Post
    Now there are kea being damaged...oh dear...
    And we know who
    EeeBees likes this.
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction

    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive

  3. #108
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I sent a request to several MP's and Ministers a few days ago requesting them to describe to me the course of action required to enforce and prosecute the rules of integrity contained in the Cabinet Manual, and also the codes of conduct for public servants. These rules state that public servants are not allowed to lie or give misleading statements to public and to Ministers.

    So far, I have had no answers to my question.

    Tussock, we cannot turn our backs. It would be like shutting your eyes and turning your back when confronted by an adder or hyena. Somehow New Zealanders must recognise our problem /s and then deal with it. The tolerance of governments to bullying and attempted takeovers by some factions, of our Forest Parks, exotic forests and other wild areas when the rest of us are then deliberately excluded from access and OUR traditional food gathering and fishing has now reached intolerable levels for most of us. The Takahe incident is very convenient isn't it.
    veitnamcam and EeeBees like this.

  4. #109
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    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    The Takahe incident is very convenient isn't it.
    Are you suggesting it was orchestrated?

  5. #110
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    I sent a request to several MP's and Ministers a few days ago requesting them to describe to me the course of action required to enforce and prosecute the rules of integrity contained in the Cabinet Manual, and also the codes of conduct for public servants. These rules state that public servants are not allowed to lie or give misleading statements to public and to Ministers.

    So far, I have had no answers to my question.
    I know you think this is democracy in action, but it's pointless even with an OIA request.

    Tussock, we cannot turn our backs. It would be like shutting your eyes and turning your back when confronted by an adder or hyena. Somehow New Zealanders must recognise our problem /s and then deal with it. The tolerance of governments to bullying and attempted takeovers by some factions, of our Forest Parks, exotic forests and other wild areas when the rest of us are then deliberately excluded from access and OUR traditional food gathering and fishing has now reached intolerable levels for most of us. The Takahe incident is very convenient isn't it.
    Don't confuse dumb luck with a conspiracy you'd be surprised just how inept people can be.

    Traditional food gathering ?

  6. #111
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by madds View Post
    Deerstalkers hunt big brown animals that don't fly.
    Game bird shooters including Game bird clubs and F&G hunt flying game birds and make it their aim to be able to identify different types of bird.
    Yet another DOC cock up, where does it stop?!!!
    I agree. Even though some NZDA members are bird and clay target shooters wouldn't it have made more sense for DOC to ask a Game bird club for their best and most experienced game bird shooters to participate in the cull instead DA members? I know that in my local NZDA among those that shoot birds most wouldn't have the experience to make the split second decision to tell a cock pheasant from a hen in flight etc. Even so, in this case, in flight means just that, in the air. Cowboys on the loose.

    Watch out next roar good people, we have NZDA members out there who seem to be a little trigger happy or are just plain stupid.

  7. #112
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Feb 2014
    I bet they don't taste any better.
    Grim and Sideshow like this.

  8. #113
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    You can turn your back on them. I personally think they are not worth acknowledging, and with a bit of concerted effort by a reasonable sized group, then within the bounds of the law they could simply be left behind.
    Many others besides myself want to see the liars and spin doctors who are paid from taxpayers funds sacked. Accountability of these leeches is well overdue.

    I am sure they will then get the point Kscott. And yes, I have fed my family on wild foods and my parents before me and before them, my grand parents and great grandparents. Of course we have traditional food gathering and as far as we are concerned, we have customary rights just as much as any other New Zealander.

    DoC and government better respect this if they want any respect in return.

  9. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moutere View Post
    Are you suggesting it was orchestrated?
    It might as well have been.

  10. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Woody View Post
    It might as well have been.
    That sounds more like political spin than a straight answer.

  11. #116
    Member outdoorlad's Avatar
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    Actually Tussock there are plenty of hunting groups out there that are looking after huts, repairing, upgrading, painting, etc, who do think did up the Growler hut? Built the Godley?
    Plenty of NZDA branches doing trapping programs.

    The Canterbury Jetboat assn look after two huts that DOC we're going to knock down.
    Tommy likes this.
    Shut up, get out & start pushing!

  12. #117
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Permolat do a lot of voluntary work in this area too

  13. #118
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I can see your point Tussock, particularly the last line. I spent two years searching out two old NZFS culler hut sites and the old tracks from them into the heart of the Whirinaki with a view to taking some young people back into those areas to hunt. Now the area is to again be poisoned with 1080 by the TB Free / AHB even though there are no farms within miles. My plans to help myself and others this coming spring have come to naught, and it is not the first time this has happened to me and others. Local further North are incensed and are now seeking not only a 1080 ban, but also exclusive rights to the north sections.
    In another instance, I opened a track into a part of the central Kaimanawa. Being nearly 70 I applied to DoC for permission to have food air dropped once I had opened up to 4 hours in, so I could carry on without the severe impediment of carrying heavy weight on the old knees. The official decision was NO, because a supply air drop was considered the same as landing an aircraft, which was not permitted in the area I was opening up. I feel I have invested a lot of wasted time, effort and energy, not to mention the pain.
    Guess when they will poison this area again?

    I guess we are getting a bit off the subject of Takahe and Pukeko. Sorry.
    Incidentally, we shoot and eat a lot of Pukeko and it is very nice. Pukeko soup is just as nice as chicken soup.
    Scouser likes this.

  14. #119
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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  15. #120
    Member stretch's Avatar
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    Good luck with that. As far as i can tell, they've committed no offence under the Arms Act. The 7 Basic Rules aren't legislation, and the only one of them that it is a direct offence to break is the drugs/alcohol one. They appear to have committed an offence under the Wildlife Act, and since it was part of an organised NZDA activity, their liability insurance should kick in to cover the hefty fine.

    Sent from my SM-T800 using Tapatalk



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