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Thread: Rangers escorting those in blue...

  1. #31
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    They will have to leave the cop at the gate for all the private ponds will they not? A Fish and Game ranger can let himself in to check the place out, a cop can not.
    Interesting point, possibly?

  2. #32
    K95 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    Thats how I started duck shooting. Next to Dad when I was 13, with a Baikal single shot that near tore my shoulder off. I got yelled at if I even looked the wrong way with it and I never got a duck.

    It was awesome!
    Same here, I was shooting since 4yrs old shooting the clothesline pole with an air rifle with my grandad at my side and was well and truely versed in shooting safety by the time I went on my first duckshooting trip. I was shooting with with my much older cousin and can remember knocking down 3 ducks-2 for me one for him on the first flight. Absolutely magic. So was being able to think " I'm glad he missed as well" on a few! It would be a real shame if the police cracked down on something so harmless. Alcohol, absolutely fair to be hard on it in my opinion.

    I think being able to have my own gun back then left out a lot of pressure I could have felt if I was the only shooter.

  3. #33
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Nah screw it, if people are being irresponsible assholes they deserve whatever they get

  4. #34
    Member Snuffit's Avatar
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    There will be 4 boys in blue out with rangers in Auckland Waikato this weekend. They can enter private land by invoking the Arms Act, and no they don't have to lay charges as a result of invoking it.

  5. #35
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    A prediction. In 5 years Tussock will get his wish.

  6. #36
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    In fact I'd look forward to seeing someone from f&g, those fuckers will be for it. Bring the cop, we don't pissup so he'll be sent on his merry way fast. Then the f&g can do some explaining.

  7. #37
    Member Snuffit's Avatar
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    I got told that the cops will be accompanying rangers in "more volatile places", what ever that means. (I WANT to see a ranger, would only be the third time in 34 years). That just tells me that in the past some rangers have been threatened hence bringing a minder along. I'd strongly doubt they'd have time and resource to just pick out random properties.

  8. #38
    Member sako75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr-Bound View Post
    Yeah I don't want to say too much here cause things are a little different out in Kokatahi than Auckland and I know what sort of response I'll get.... The boys I let shoot with me have been shooting since 5 years old and I'd trust them with anything at all but they are unlicensed.
    Boy, 5, shoots sister, 2, with gun given as gift - World - NZ Herald News

  9. #39
    Member Happy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snuffit View Post
    I got told that the cops will be accompanying rangers in "more volatile places", what ever that means. (I WANT to see a ranger, would only be the third time in 34 years). That just tells me that in the past some rangers have been threatened hence bringing a minder along. I'd strongly doubt they'd have time and resource to just pick out random properties.
    Youre correct with that.. I thinks theres a few hot spots around (Waikato) where guys still using lead and no licenses and the ranger have been told where to go upon visiting in no uncertain terms...
    I have been told there will be no warnings this season in Waikato Akl region. No license loose your gun, argue bout it lose your car, un pinned lose your gun .. If your gears worth more than $90
    do the right thing. If you lose your gear tough titties IMO..
    308 likes this.

  10. #40
    Impure Lead Flinger
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    I dont see what the issue is!!! If you abiding by the rules and not being a dickhead there shouldnt be a problem!!!!!
    If your all whinging doesnt that mean you all have an ulterior motive????
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  11. #41
    Member sako75's Avatar
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    Where there is smoke there is fire. Why do the F&G rangers need a cop to hold their hand? If you are doing everything by the book then what is the issue?
    Why do fisheries officer now wear stabproof vests?

    I'm not a saint by any means and better off for past experiences as I'm sure we all are. If you are been a fuckwit with a firearm or giving a F&G ranger some stick for doing his job then maybe you need a cop there to make you pull your head in.
    Print off a copy of arms code (easy to find on the forum) and tape it to the butt of your shotty then read the fine print on your F&G license.
    Don't be the ones that gives everyone else a bad name
    Happy and 308 like this.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike H View Post
    Normally the rangers are required to work in pairs when doing opening day ranging due to sometimes dealing with guys who are drunk and have guns. There's been a few guys who think its okay to play up when a ranger arrives on the scene and the interviews tend to take longer than they should.....................

    A damning indictment on some of us............................
    gadgetman likes this.

  13. #43
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    I'd be happy to see a ranger or any of our boys in blue who I still hold in high regard. They, along with the other emergency services and the armed services, served us well a couple of years back.
    Gibo likes this.
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  14. #44
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    I agree Tussock. At the F&G AGM it was just F&F.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  15. #45
    SiB is offline
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    If I was out hunting (feather or fur) and was interviewed by a F&G, or what-ever officer - and they were accompanied by a Police officer, I'd be happy to have an opportunity to let them see that not all of us are dickheads, sorry I mean Richard Craniums.

    It must get pretty difficult for them at times - so if meeting me, or a like-minded hunter who's sympathetic to their situation and equally concerned about irresponsible firearm use helps them understand that we actually do care about the sport - and each other, then it's a good thing.

    Gibo likes this.
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    The above was written slowly, for those of us who can't read quickly.



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